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Crafting 125 Caster Amulets, Going for Mega Godly!!!! Diablo 2 Resurrected

  • Crafting 125 Caster Amulets, Going for Mega Godly!!!! Diablo 2 Resurrected Jul 18 2024

    bradpitel1517: I love the fact that you keep the bloopers in there and even make fun of yourself for it. Reminds me that some of my favorite online people are real people too!
    d8l835: I have been playing SP pretty much exclusively the last year and a half or so. I have an extended stash mod for single player and have 3 or 4 extended stash tabs full of failed fcr amulet crafts so far.
    How many you estimate you have rolled over the years?
    chrispratt3666: That extra 10% fcr roll is so rare
    codyb20: The Palit Won was my favourite
    jeffsaffron5647: Tornadin when?
    smalps-gaming: My only 2/20 was for Druid. Decent for fire or Windy... but We rocking FURY a the moment don't do even need it.
    eatcarpet: I got so close to being Godly...:

    1 to Sorceress Skills
    9% Faster Cast Rate
    12 to Mana
    Cold Resist 16%
    Lightning Resist 55%
    Fire Resist 16%
    Poison Resist 16%
    21% Better Chance of Getting Magical Items
    InfernoSK: I have never crafted 2/20 ever. But also i dont really see the point cause 200 fcr sorc is good only for LK runs and that can be done without 20 on ammy
    TickleFFA: Is this MP or SP?
    robantico2490: I think that sin one at the end was the best because the breakpoints work for it
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