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Diablo 2 Guide

  • DaweSlayer: "Vitality is a vital stat." You've already replaced Deckard as a wisest man. benjambreeg: omg selling that Sur rune was ... painful. Kaktanternak: i LOVE that you keep these challenge runs self-contained. Selling the rune was objectively a valid choice. As much as it pains online players to see it. khmer5o3: Dude, your challenges are always so entertaining to watch. Thank you for uploading. SneakyFrost: "I used it to make bad jewelry into other bad jewelry." Floored. S2K-Chumbo: I have never played Diablo2. I probably never will. I don't know the lore or the classes or the way anything works, But god damn man I absolutely love your videos. Every time you upload I stop what ever video I'm watching and switch over. I love the challenges and the grinding and searching for ...
  • JamesCarian: "How ya supposed to kill anything if you can't see it" - most important piece of today's research! Once again living up to the reputation of the one and only D2R Certified research institute. Blessings, Iceman. tj8210: God your gay. ZacHawkins42: I thought this was going to be about Arioc's Needle, which I found for the first time last night. Anyone know of a good use for that, by the way? nightworg: Try it with Obedience. Not nearly as good weapon but really cheap to make. StandardEnvy: Thanks for the upload icedaddy. Lookimg forward to kicksin, no mosaics though. Lurch4539: I went with a war pike and rolled over 1300 dmg. I didn't think the 3 skills from the matriarchal spear was worth losing all that damage. Sweet video relykssc2148: "this is budget build" "kind of...
  • TopSecretGG: The Slaying is Strong in this one! damonharvey1038: Hope you got where you wanted to go on the treadmill ? canuckgame: I've been trying to find a Maras for MONTHS. And this guy find one on his first run lol. thegreatwalrus153: Dude I spent all season looking for eth titans lol DIREWOLFx75: Never found a single facet jewel... chichodormi4732: Paladin from the thumbnail is hilarious wookops2523: lmao the editing on these videos are awesome theventhatiqtho8112: Inching closer to the new season. Great vid before. Shindetsuku: Been playing a ton of D2R, just finished Nightmare. Have you noticed monsters visibly in one place, but physically somewhere else? leeloodallasmultibox6172: dat titan's - amazing ! LukeNukePoker: I found my very first Mara’s doing TZ Andy. It...
  • mfKr-cl4rl: Never found metal grit or windforce technocolossus: Nothing quite like the panic of wasting precious seconds when you don't check the TZ schedule and catacombs pops at the top of the hour. hjemezezprovideos7215: Dansk? josmc1: For quality of life they should allow you to pick up multiple gheeds, torchs, Annis, etc but while it's in your inventory only activates the one that is how better quality.
  • David-tq2cm: that blood ring aahaahaahaaa wtbskilllololo: Noice!The funny thing is Crescent Moon is now the main-hand weapon for Trapsins so T/Kicksins are even better now,you dont keep CM in cube like before you just have it in your main slot,trap and kick harder enemies or just bosses. Generally it has less CB than this build but its pretty similiar. Also if you use Eth BA you can have 1x point in Blade Fury and do some good DMG from afar if you're playing HC and want to be safe. melt7322: bro the first anni for a gul? are annis that cheep these days? Baddisattva: Great project! TaintBruiZer: How you get some many clones? Is that from ladder or something? Been thinking about giving it a try but idk the values of everything teemce: Damn, that ending. bigddphenix7000: what the best...
  • StandardEnvy: My many wife doesnt inderstand my love for these videows. NickCoraggio: Ice boy, I finally found an eth 4OS Sacred Rondache for my Exile base yesterday and I am sure it was because of your blessings to your patrons, thank you toniot5947: Try Death eth main beast, Gface with 15ias and enjoy 115% Deadly and 100% Crushing Blow creed5248: You missed those arrows ... they were laying down there south of Shenk and are worth big coinage with Gheed ... LoL !!! andrewjones198: You're like the vice grip garage of diablo 2. Live the content man keep her going! misiux: Dwa bułka, kiełbasa! creed5248: You have your potions in the wrong slots - Purples in both middles and then ... red first slot - blue last slot albertlevins9191: I thought fend was bugged bad. I would love to...
  • MarvinRock787: AI slop. Don't care. thunderdoom12: This game is so much better than poe 1 and 2 meanderking: AI game haqueash: NFT, instant delete !!!!! pay to win trash !!! CedricDur: Checking it out, but, heck, so much AI slop unapologetically in it. SlamDance87: Already better then d4 FreedomLWalker: d4 bad virgo4200: AI trash game daniDEE_tv: oh wow...... looks very D2'ish... 100%% following game now.. BRING IT ON! with PoE2 now very D2 like - I would love to add another D2ish game for daily rotation StefanoC00: Couldnt get this to work on steam deck. It was annoying. Thanks for showing this game. 1ButtonDash: downloading the demo right now edit: game feels very clunky and bad to play brunohanham3119: Looks like Diablo 3 JoblessBuhdda: On console?? cornetinhasd...
  • MrErizid: Something to note about the Full Trang's set. If you turn into the Ghoul by wearing the full set, you can turn off your run and still move at full run speed. This lets you use your Defense at all times to reduce ranged attack damage. jayveeeye6007: was missing one of my favorites early on character - deaths sash and gloves combo springmaus1632: Death's set Gloves Sash is incredibly usefull too! It has Cannot be frozen 30% IAS Life leech 15% all resistances Poison Length Reduced by 75% ! Don't sleep on that one! Homesparrows: Don't sleep on the Death's set for Cannot be Frozen & Attack speed, amazing for early melee leveling. Cow King's set also has some pretty amazing stats for early game. Aggrosk8: Iratha's set > Sigon's set. Don't sleep on Iratha's for levelin...
  • hannibot: This game is 2 decades old, and people still find new improved builds. What a game, and what a great idea for this combo. Love it xSpooKee: keep em coming man. i finally got my gaming pc, and getting diablo 2 resurrected on friday, cant wait to start all fresh again on singleplayer as i played on xbox. jonasbjrup2457: your deep knowledge of the game comes out so well in this video and the way you present that information you do like no one else. this is why even tho i havnt played d2 in a while i still follow all your videos. i enjoy your content very much and wish you would have greater viewership cuz your hard work deserve it. :) VormavNJD: Great video. Excellent job explaining everything. I'm 100% subbed until you finish this, no matter how long it takes! SebastianBohn: ...
  • JamesCarian: Figuring out that the 15ias jewel in gface was the item giving you the additional 15ias....PERFECT EXAMPLE of the ground breaking research happening at the institution. You don't find new discoveries like this happening just anywhere. Cheers and have a great weekend, Iceman. FizzyMcSoda: You could try using Grim Ward to scare away the trash mobs in uber tristram. This way you won't have to cease attacking to Howl. This could also help solve the Frenzy/Zeal issue where your barb kept swapping targets since Grim Ward is a set and forget skill that lasts a while. RoadToad42: Unpopular Opinion: Barb is an exception to the standard rule of "minimum str/dex for equipment and rest in vit". You don't need 5.5k HP with all that def/block/res even in HC. Drop a bit of VIT for stre...
  • dmcx-tv2308: Dear Necromancer Users, You are about to witness the most ridiculous RNG you'll ever see. ydainesplayground1059: hey looter! i love your d2r vids. can you do Horadric Cube Crafted Items only challenge? TurboCarotte: For your Gidbinn ring : 120 Attack ratting is the max roll for that affix (Platinum Prefix ==> 101-120 to Attack Rating). But there is also another affix that gives Attack Ratting Light Radius (Radiance Suffix ==> 3 to Light Radius, 30 to Attack Rating) So, you can have both these affixes and get max 150 Attack ratting :) tarheels100: Nonstop bonesnaps for the necro, then every wand and necro item for the barb. Beautiful. StupidDanimations: That barb was a necromancer in his past life. jameswarner5878: This should be a good one chrisxl5152: Looter.. ...
  • OCJ0666: Lol the SOJ chrispratt3666: That anni roll is brutal smalps-gaming: Gotta use those zod's somehow! Homesparrows: Took that accidental SoJ vendor like a boss, too bad the Anni didn't roll better. Keep slayin' brother! browntown17: Maybe you can put in the next videos what the found items worth in trade? I played d2 the last time 20 years ago so i have no idea with the prices. NurseTony: Emilio says thanks! shamm249: LETS GET AFTER IT jfivecoat: Still have never found a windforce in over 20 years of playing! zaf9286: Hi Phil amazing job on this one! Phil Can you share your killer build with TZ Meph and Andy? Im curious with your fireball build it seems that you melt the monster so fast. Thank you! stefanrochlitzer9382: Stay slaying jasonloux3328: The SoJ vendor was my f...
  • Mikrowelliger: It's not much but I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciate your content! saint-xiv2649: prophet "never died on normal" ezekiel heepajunk: Cried a little bit at the poetry n07ju57hum4n: Nothing compares to the quality and comedy of these videos I need a Ratman series glinteastwood1284: Baal was so happy Ratman found love he even dropped a wedding band for him. BrodeySchaffer: Always loved your content from the vary first video you posted, my favorite part always is you take your time through the play-though and admire the scenerary. Not much people do that exceptional with ARPGs where everyone is meta and blasting through the game. Diablo 2 (ONLY) is truly a remarkable game hands down! Glad your playing series with this beautiful game, also hope you keep up...
  • Framtastify: Do reverse, berserk pally build. bicdNW: I have a 99 zeal sorc on ladder, does 50k zeal damage with dual dreams. Using a passion PB kurzackd: The Iceman: "I mean, how expensive can this build be ?? I'd say NOT AT ALL !!" Also Iceman: *has a KaiserVonBrau: I honestly never thought of using Passion on off-hand until just now... 20 years of theory crafting. Never thought of it hyunwhanjoe3477: So you're using passion on the off hand to get zeal and then using botd on your mainhand for the damage. That's actually a pretty cool idea. johneubank8543: gratz, you zeal'd em all down! awesome I was so happy you got IK to work - I remember that set from way back and have fond memories of it. I got a Butcher's Pupil to drop the other day ... nice for playing up. Doubt it would ...
  • mikhael8216: Awesome job and way to bring back the nostalgia! Re-downloading D2R for the 400000x time dystant: Just finished all of it, great job! Covered the game really well while putting your own unique style into it. The illustrations were really cool as well earlier on in the vid when you were talking about how you got introduced to Diablo. If you ever do something like this again, World of Warcraft would be cool to see. Just a thought heh.. Time for a well deserved break LOL! CarpeNoctem727: STREET SHARKS!!! j1mb0bZ: Cinema, Bravo! AndrewLetendre: Watched the entire video... Fantastic job! alcielnotfound: An outstanding video code :) im glad you went through with uploading this. The illustration part is wholesome, and i loved the amount of detail throughout each chapter/acts! ...
  • kristopherleslie8343: Sorry not fastest NQhuy031: imo fury is the fastest in 1 vid i saw he kill uber mephisto in 7 sec MS-kl4hf: may i ask what is good on the merc? what does he specially do? christopherturner5409: I'm glad he used holy shield this time lollll he is now purposefully hero editing his items to be a little off perfect in hopes we don't think he's doing it... it's too late bud, ur reputation is Mudd christopherturner5409: Wrong skill load out when building charges for max dmg, u don't max out dragon talon. And why subwayyah bases? GT ALL THE WAY... or at the least RT. Rw is so busted this all doesn't matter a whole lot, but if ur going for fastest ubers, ur doing it wrong.
  • KrisMIW91: You know you're good at content when you stopped playing D2 but love this mans videos! shaneanigans440: Great video Looter. Your editing and commentary is top notch. I know you put a lot of work into these videos. Thanks for sharing your adventures! mysidianbard5890: After getting into Looter's videos I started playing my own D2R SSF HC challenge runs. So far my favourite ones have been: Cleric Paladin: Using prayer/clensing/meditation tree, no blessed hammer. First time I went holy bolt/FoH, but I found that too easy, so currently I'm trying melee build and it is rough :D Spartan: 1h spear/shield amazon, physical damage (jab/impale/fend). No throw or elemental skills Bone necro: no corpse explosion, max 1 pt in summon tree skills No life sorc If you ever get burnt out dont...
  • jameswarner5878: Whenever the HC record is lower than the SC record, i consider it the universal record. Mikecrawfone: "I feel like I'm forcing the shittest run of all the runs I've had today..." - Kano on his WR run AndrewL-em9vu: A blur of motion, swift and keen, A whispered sigh, a vibrant scene. The wind it howls, a rushing sound, As speed's embrace, on solid ground, Carries us forth, on wings of might, With all its glory, day and night. A poem for our King Kano the Tableless Jasmine69420: This is awesome! Amazon is my favourite class & I've been practicing, not exactly speed-running but just trying to play faster on her. Like I enjoy playing slow too but lately just creating a new HC and sending it each time I boot up the game has become my favourite way to play so these vids ar...
  • akulsharma7147: Judging by the comments it does seem like Llama is a ladies man MellowSol: Whats with the fake onlyfans bot comments Leeroy49: So cool to see you grinding from time to time :) lailaiwdable: i'm following speedrunning content, but still doing the grind on standard ladder. Could you walk us through how the D2r meta shifted from grinding for lvs/gear towards speedrunning in general? SomethingScotty: Yo, I made a comment like 2 and a half hours ago about the bot comments on this video. Why was my comment deleted yet the literal bot comments were left up? Something doesn't smell right, and it's not me I just showered. davidwhite533: You do realize the cognitive dissonance you create by uploading these videos WITH a beard the same day you live-streamed with just the 'stac...
  • NikolaiMatorin: I'm a simple man with simple needs. I see Phil's video, I watch Phil's video, I leave a like under Phil's video. Keep slayin' you absolute legend! albertlevins9191: Phil. Are you MFing on a treadmill? That is pretty hardcore. You are really finding a way to work it in. Bro. Stay massive. Holy crap. You found a 15/40. Wow dude. That never happens IRL. Wow! That is absolutely insane!!! dougodinson9835: Man, single player rewarded me good yesterday. I already have a perfect griffons and death's fathom. I got an 18 -15 griff off terrorized meph. I got a 17 cold death's in terrorized stoney tombs. jamesdavis2359: Found my first SOJ today off NM Meph in D2R. Looking for Vipermagi for last 5 days no luck dimitarangelkovski9877: Found a 287% eth ribcracker this season. Put ...
  • fabioc.9682: give this budget a try: frenzy double upped shaeled Butcher's Pupil. gface ias jool, duress, gores, HL ammy, dracul, nosferatu coil belt, double up raven frost for eternal cannot be frozen. no off hand wand BS. max axe mastery and all the other BS. let's see how he fares! ForgottenBeastMetal: Great work towards the research instituion volume 2.0 KirkNichols-gx8nv: Stubbornly Undergeared (if youve heard of him here on the tube) farms torches on HC with a conc barb using absolute shit, Conc is underrated...and slow as hell lol MrVonThoma1: You could try a passion on the offhand and use zeal with botd and hit them as fast as possible. Slimcone: Put a beast in offhand and than open up some gear slots from the IAS Midaiel: told ya, my favorite build, and i kill with shieldse...
  • smalps-gaming: Fire is still good! What's funny is that you can actually use Dual Mosaics still for traps. You can make 5 Claws, and run dual mosaic for Traps. Get added fire or lightning dmg as well on them and 20% IAS. You can also make Plague in claws for 5 as well. With cleansing and lower res proc. Dual claws also allows you to use weapon block which is nice for survival! DIREWOLFx75: WTF?! Maxed out BoS?!? BoS lvl 35, 56/66. BoS lvl 20, 53/61. HOW is that worth 15 skillpoints? Heck, BoS lvl 16(ie just 1 hard pt), is already 51/59! Shocking, shocking i tell you... samwood4173: I feel like the redemption aura is fighting with your CE from deaths sentry. I could be wrong though lol Uncle19: This was one of my first builds ever when I was around 12 years old! A classic, thank...
  • chrismokvack: You can see all the runes on the ground before the lower kurast runner opens the chest and you activate item label display. Ezerael: you forgot about "the content creator" Randoverse: I'm not a speed runner but who doesn't stack potions in their inventory? :P GGrev: How do I get the one at the end? kthxpls
  • blairsaid: I'm a simple man, I see a new 'ilovemf" video, I literally drop everything I'm doing to sit-down and watch it. paolopiccinno2160: The ending ? we love you buddy dwj_hagen: Always a pleasure watching your Videos! goggu6652: The Boots are almost a trophy Travi barb boots. 30 frw, high fire and light res and almost max EG. I would say its close, and people who know about travi barbs will agree. trollhaim: You made me buy the game again... Leveling a sorc atm lmao NeesyPlaysGuitar: Couldn't have timed this better :D JabeRaddle: iloveilovemf Dan34733: First! RonenOsden: lol, the mjolnir scene. Enjoyed your vids and made me get back into D2 awhile ago. rettan_aero8997: Been waiting for the new episode. Thank you ilovemf, for the best diablo content there is. shog8298: Ke...
  • FalstingDingdingsworth: As someone who voted for this, you have both my condolences and my thanks. khalidragy4488: Hey man, I love your videos. Your voice and accent are just awesome and could never be tired from. Your content is perfect gems for all diablo 2 fans. You're hilarious, and some of your comments just kill me from laughter. Keep doing what you're doing bro. You're going to get there soon enough. You rock! Doofindork: In the words of the great Matt Berry; "FATHEEEEER!" PersonaSlates: So excited to see another upload. Never apologies about the length of the videos, honesty the longform content is a lot of what im here for. Pair that with my love of silly D2 Challenges and im hooked! Its just great content to kick back and watch at the end of a long hard day. You're voice an...
  • xBDE: Nobody tell him -holocene-: Really, "Gets EASY with Griswold's Legacy"? You just ruined the fastest solo farming build(with Enigma) in the history of Diablo 2. Max Conviction and Holy Shock? I'd rather put the points on Holy Shield for max block and Redemption around 60% as MAIN aura for the infinite mana and health regen, trust me its the best MAIN aura on right click for that build... Also if you level up and got lot of extra points, put em on Smite because HOTF is viable uber killer too, just need some CB gear swap with Grief and Duress if you wanna go cheap on the armor, and you smite em to death, or you can put the rest points in all the resists auras instead of Smite, for some extra max res on each element... Not to mention Vipermagi with x2 Spirits or HOTO and Spirit Sh...
  • welcome_to_the_own_zone: I was cruising youtube at 3am just hoping for something worth watching, and then you arrive, like Tyrael descending from the clouds with a video. aidanc9396: I love my fortnightly Masochism simulator simeontodorov9353: "Left it in the dungeon for other necromancers to find" is such a cool idea that unpicked loot would get redistributed to other players. Such head canon makes the world feel slightly more lived in and global than it actually is. ActuallyEric: "We can see why nobody uses Poison Dagger. It's just a terrible skill choice. Honestly, I can't think of any reason to..." "HI, I'm Zarfen!" Goddangit, that made me laugh out loud. GG kubiczer7427: I love Mephisto's mischievous plan of baiting You with a unique ring. Great video as always! OrgusDin: 'Wh...
  • Sp32k: I was feeling unmotivated, sad, depressed because i needed a job, I found an opportunity and you made the day even better bro, keep grinding! Much love Looter! ApathyBM: Here's a challenge for Throw Barb - play as one ancient in each difficulty. Normal - Korlic Nightmare - Talic Hell - Madawc pitecusH: "Papa (Looter) was a rolling stone" but he certainly had no "sympathy for the devil". He did get his "satisfaction" in the end, too, and didn't even need to "paint it black" Great run, as always. Looking forward to the next one! Swabian90: sitting here watching moltenboulder gameplay while eating my moltenbowl and burning my mouth, happy days natepark2973: Can't believe you found Magefist on this run Good job! a-a-ron9027: that mage fist drop......my flabbers are gasted arcz...
  • matthewvolb94: I played this game like 20 years ago and 10 years ago I just got clean from fentanyl for the first time in 7 years and I'm trying to find a job just so I can play this game so I have something to do to stay clean. osmundofcouchcrushers6431: The game brings back a feel that cant be replicated, not nostalgia but i feel of smooth design, smooth gameplay. I find myself playing it often. smalps-gaming: Greatest game of all time! No question. You nailed all the points of why people still play this game. From itemization, the unique acts, classes are all different and perfect in their own way. The way each class compliments each other in party play. You can play however you want. Solo, party, small groups, MF, SSF, offline, SC, HC, PvP. It can be so complex or so simple at the ...
  • 02blazp: Just started playing D2 resurrected today kaluabox: This man beating the game naked in a time where i beat Normal with gear... jshoe2490: I like this "summary" format. Nice discussion of strategy. Would appreciate some additional mentions of current Character level and amount of damage. Fun to watch. 4040bsc: Great video, thanks for all that you do! Lotsofcaps: "I don't like to use Rejuve potions when I don't need to" Literally 1 HP Actual legend. manso306: oh, the assassin is naked... I thought Diablo 2 Naked was the new expansion. danielmaestre3031: This is a man of commitment and dedication, this is impressive felixbermudez3782: Llama saying* in he likes Flayer Jungle...I feel like I don't even know you. Pre-Trav Act 3 has always been my most hated zones. kingheenokga...
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