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Diablo 2 But Im Putting ALL My Stats Into Dexterity

  • Diablo 2 But Im Putting ALL My Stats Into Dexterity Mar 24 2025

    DaweSlayer: "Vitality is a vital stat." You've already replaced Deckard as a wisest man.
    benjambreeg: omg selling that Sur rune was ... painful.
    Kaktanternak: i LOVE that you keep these challenge runs self-contained. Selling the rune was objectively a valid choice. As much as it pains online players to see it.
    khmer5o3: Dude, your challenges are always so entertaining to watch. Thank you for uploading.
    SneakyFrost: "I used it to make bad jewelry into other bad jewelry." Floored.
    S2K-Chumbo: I have never played Diablo2. I probably never will. I don't know the lore or the classes or the way anything works, But god damn man I absolutely love your videos. Every time you upload I stop what ever video I'm watching and switch over. I love the challenges and the grinding and searching for upgrades. Problem solving your way through the strength requirement and consulting the wiki is awesome. Keep up the great work!
    blixtn1: This is quickly becoming one of my favorite kind of videos - always looking forward to the next upload!
    Bloodlustian: Does every Zarfen video start with him looking under rocks and in chests for gp?
    danparish1344: If dexterity increased movement speed, it would be pretty tempting to sacrifice some vitality for more dexterity
    Fadexpl: the Sur rune... you MONSTER!
    mikkelsen9446: Saves larzuk quest, sells sur rune
    matthewgagnon9426: Light Radius really does get even worse in D2R than it already was, huh? It made more sense in Diablo 1 when most of the game was proper DARK and the extra light radius could help out when you were still learning the game.
    to_tire: Me: "I could really use a Harlequin's Crest"
    Duriel: "Best I can do is four Scrolls of Town Portal"
    selensewar: When i was a kid, i distributed all of my stats equally. It seemed logical to me at the time.
    I never made it past Nightmare, and i even struggled in Normal, but i still fell in love with the game.
    d4n93r: I dont even play D2 anymore but watching your videos gives me nostalgia. Also, I never played on that level.
    Coooley: Another great story, man. These challenge runs seem fun!
    Tubiega07: How Cain shut the portal in your face was disgusting. That’s one of the many details I love about your videos
    kdeas10: I was originally writing a snarky comment messing with you about not explaining what dodge does cause memes, then mid comment you explain what dodge does.

    You truly do play chess while the rest of us is are merely playing checkers.
    MrRasmusVD: I've never really played Diablo 2 and never really cared about the game.... but..
    This guy makes it entertaining to watch
    iLikeRNG: best 40 minutes of my life today
    GearPhase: I love your videos, I played Diablo 2 so much as a kid and never knew what I was doing. My friends and I played HC and would always die to something dumb so we never got to "end game." When I started playing more on my own later I got discouraged because the internet made it seem like anything other than pure meta builds was totally impossible to beat the game with.

    Now so many years later I realize it's possible to beat the game with many crazy builds. It's just going to be extremely painful.

    Thank you for this... I think.
    technocolossus: Interesting thing about the souls is that they don't actually teleport, they go invisible and move incredibly fast! You can see it sometimes when they're cursed or affected by an aura.
    MrStealYoBeef: Seeing 2 mouse cursors on screen while you explain the stats and abilities began breaking my brain. I started moving my mouse over the video as a third just to finish breaking it further. Thanks, now I'm functionally useless for the rest of the day.
    Dinnye01: I generally don't watch other people play games, because a) I like to play them myself and b) a LOT of them are annoying teens with overhyped yelling.

    Your calm, slightly swedish (I guess from the way you pronounce the letter j at the start of words) accent, your slow descent to a masochistic madness and the absolute insanity of these challenges not even had me glued to my phone binge watching your videos, but you actually made me install D2R (again) to try a few of them and actually challenge myself to 1) play something else than the goddamn sorceress and 2) try things and combinations I never would have. And rekindle a childhood love for this game again. And again.
    nichtwichtig5699: I like the pure greed in you, as you almost can not let go the Tarnhelm. But i feel ya brother. I love that Helm, too :D
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