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  • Diablo 2 - LARGEST PVP TOURNAMENT - TEAM BATTLES !llamarpg May 08 2024

    ParadiiseFarms: So you're telling me a 2 hour video for not even 20 mins of dueling? Cmon man
    mapron1: nice to watch pvp when everyone just tele around. I definitely can see difference between classes. So enjoyable /s
    Barbabonbon: It's nice of you Mrllama to make an appearance in the special needs players event
    OrangeStarHighSchool: My boy really out here pullin a Deckard
    kevinjh543: Bounced in the first round, you truly embrace your cowboys fandom.
    arthurlins5949: abstract: 2h on stash 5' teleporting and shooting random missiles, keep this kinda content going !
    Saren-yc1rk: People seriously go with... uuuuh....

    JahJahJahJah armor?
    That sounds ridiculous
    golamyo: Low level duels or melee duels are better, this makes my eyes hurt....
    joeyferrell6102: This dudes threatens to get players banned by blizz's fair play team... loserrr
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