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Fire Trap Assassin is BETTER Than You Think, Guide and Showcase Diablo 2 Resurrected

  • Fire Trap Assassin is BETTER Than You Think, Guide and Showcase Diablo 2 Resurrected Feb 16 2025

    smalps-gaming: Fire is still good! What's funny is that you can actually use Dual Mosaics still for traps. You can make 5 Claws, and run dual mosaic for Traps. Get added fire or lightning dmg as well on them and 20% IAS. You can also make Plague in claws for 5 as well. With cleansing and lower res proc. Dual claws also allows you to use weapon block which is nice for survival!
    DIREWOLFx75: WTF?! Maxed out BoS?!?

    BoS lvl 35, 56/66.
    BoS lvl 20, 53/61.
    HOW is that worth 15 skillpoints?

    Heck, BoS lvl 16(ie just 1 hard pt), is already 51/59!

    Shocking, shocking i tell you...
    samwood4173: I feel like the redemption aura is fighting with your CE from deaths sentry. I could be wrong though lol
    Uncle19: This was one of my first builds ever when I was around 12 years old! A classic, thanks for reviving it!
    Shindetsuku: Thank you for these kinds of videos! I'm not able to catch your streams but I love seeing the build guides and drop highlights. It's cool seeing you be such a D2 need but still having fun and being goofy about it, I love the energy you bring!
    JacobReimschussel: I ran fire druid but struggled to get through nightmare with minimal gear in act 4. I switched to nado until I am leveled for my sundy ;p
    maxpower2511: Wake of fire is great for leveling but they do not last long enough IMO
    divacroft1034: Or you could not waste points on lightning skills if you build fire trap assasin...
    apollo3604: As a reminder, the Resist Fire aura on the Flickering Flame completely makes up for a Fire Sunder.
    asbjrnfossmo1589: Dual claws is absolutely nuts for traps. Best possible would probably be 12 to (insert trap skill) and room for four perfect facets. Fire traps do need a lot of help from items, whereas lightning traps only need a little help, and could pretty easily be done without items at all, provided there is no fire/light immune monster that needs to be killed.

    Also, for amulet, 3 traps 30str or 100life or even 35 MF nets one more skill.

    Extra points, I would have used on Shadow (the first one, not the last) since it mimics the same skills you have selected, for even more traps.

    If no infinity, might want to keep a wand with Lower Resist charges in stash. But the general idea here is to avoid fire immunes. Sunder, flickering flame and 5 facets would make fire immunes manageable.

    Also, for armor, remember the budget option: Ormus' Robes! 15% fire damage and socket with facet.

    3 traps circlet could outdo Flickering Flame if good suffix and 2 sockets. However, when using sunder, that res fire aura is very welcome.
    PecheAventure: Timing is so good! Was going to build one
    J.J.Jameson_of_Daily_Bugle: I recently got back into D2 and decided to make MosAss ( i know) and obviously because you need both skill and gear for this I played as trap assassin. The Fire Assassin took me all the way to maybe act 3 Nightmare where I finally respect and I wasn't even using some fancy gear, it was literally just stuff I found while playing and some basic runewords like Stealth and Leaf.

    Assassin is just that stupidly good and she levels up quite fast for some reason, the entire normal is just breeze and I could easily maybe play entire act 3 nightmare but I decided to respect. I don't think Hell would be that difficult now considering you can now also use sunder charm to break resistances, and you can maybe use Phoenix or Flicker for extra damagesunder, etc.

    Sunders actually help lot of builds so you don't have to play like exact three classes and you can now actually use some other mercs instead of just Act 2 merc, I've found myself often using Rogue, especially now that she can also use Insight. She's also good for Zoo Druid, because you can give her bow that adds fanaticism and armor that gives thorns aura (bramble I think). Obviously you can use Beast on your main hand, but this way you still get Fanaticism and you can use Heart on your main hand for that 3 skill, because Zoo Druid is unique that even soft-cap level add to synergy, making his zoo fairly strong.
    Tackitt: I Solod ubers for my first time recently with a hybrid dragonclaw fire sin. Very fun build.
    danparish1344: I never do mainstream OP builds. These are the kinds of builds I have fun with.
    ApathyBM: Dual traps is one fun way to solo Hell Ancients on a playthrough. Although I still prefer Lightning/Kicksin hybrid if you have GFace Upped Gore, and just roll until Talic isn't Lightning Immune.
    steelalloyman: The best weapon for this build is 6socketed phase blade with fire facets. It gives far far better damage, no match, that you can change your playstyle. And also you can use fade without losing max trap throw speed, i think 25 IAS by immortal kings gloves and boots are the best option.
    jameshaulenbeek5931: I haven't played an assassin in years. I always preferred MA, with the MB/WoF for stun. I should give a trap sin a try again.
    marcinbialkowski1453: this shield is also amazing for fb sorc with ormus 3fb -15% or COH with 20fcr amu (but must have 10fcr ring when using hoto) kiling cows with seconds and redemption aura on top
    sirduck7980: Another amazing vid. Phil-nation!
    yasaiasazuke: Like to 1 point blade fury, CB, OW, Elemental, curse and say FU immunes also a mix kicksin with lifetap wand for bosses is really fun
    mikeblenheim117: I use 3 to WOF plague claw and phoenix monarch and flickering flame diadem with enigma , fire sunder etc and she absultely melts
    ItsRayful: Correct me if im wrong, maybe they fixed it at some point?

    But traps (used to?) are couted as pets and they do not get more damage by your character having -resist on a gear piece (phoenix)

    It would only help with the fire blast.
    michaellui5108: Let’s Go!!!!
    frankenstein3163: Maybe they don't want to remove broken OP builds in hopes to make people stop playing and play there more money making games/projects !?
    KingOfMadCows: Too many terrain objects block the Wake of Fire shots. It doesn't kill the skill but it can get very annoying and take a lot of the fun out it in some areas.
    feeblewrk5788: You picked up that small charm right??!
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