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If Youre Not Using These Set Pieces, Your Failing Diablo 2 Resurrected

  • If Youre Not Using These Set Pieces, Your Failing Diablo 2 Resurrected Mar 02 2025

    MrErizid: Something to note about the Full Trang's set. If you turn into the Ghoul by wearing the full set, you can turn off your run and still move at full run speed. This lets you use your Defense at all times to reduce ranged attack damage.
    jayveeeye6007: was missing one of my favorites early on character - deaths sash and gloves combo
    springmaus1632: Death's set Gloves Sash is incredibly usefull too! It has Cannot be frozen 30% IAS Life leech 15% all resistances Poison Length Reduced by 75% ! Don't sleep on that one!
    Homesparrows: Don't sleep on the Death's set for Cannot be Frozen & Attack speed, amazing for early melee leveling. Cow King's set also has some pretty amazing stats for early game.
    Aggrosk8: Iratha's set > Sigon's set. Don't sleep on Iratha's for leveling up. Huge resistance boost for characters for 4 pieces that don't take up a weapon/shield/body armor slots. Full set boasts 65% all res, 10 to all max resists, 20frw, 25 dex, 24% piercing attack, 20% ias. MUCH better bonuses than you get with Sigon's set. Sigon's massive strength requirement makes that set a burden to try to equip early on as well.
    wilsonwallace8755: No deaths dash and gloves???? You get 30 ias from that 2 piece also, and cannot be frozen. All at level 6 for 2 slots
    WDkuru: Dammit Phil, you got me back into D2 again..
    arcziolek1244: Cleglaw set gives insane bonuses early on. Attack rating based on level, max damage based on level, 50% deadly strike, 35% crushing blow
    DPtBIT: Was Gface mentioned?
    OzzyTripping: Hey Phil. Im here early just to say Thank You for what I think is the best current D2 content!
    marssang: My setup for new characters includes full Sigon, Isenhart sword, Angelic jewelry and Large charms with 3 STR to boost my STR up by 20 to be able to wear Sigon earilier. Its literally enough to solo ancients at level 20 and complete the game before you even reach level 24. After I complete it on normal, I farm Eldrich to level 30 after which I switch to my caster/melee lvl 30 setup which I ride all the way until I get to my endgame gear. Also dont forget to get a teleport charge staff that you can put in use use at level 25!
    peterparker2309: Think Deaths Disguise is also worth a mention. Gloves belt is a valuable combo
    nickwilliamson6726: Single piece for the act 2 merc. Guillumes face or however you spell that. Crushing blow is huge.
    jynx5616: Full Irathas on a caster is actually godly even at end game. Gives you so much resistances and increased max resistances. I used it on a lvl 85 budget sorce for one ladder.
    RinostarGames: You showed Sigon's at the end, but didn't talk about the belt! Glove Belt is THE combo for Sigon's. You can get better than full set (honestly, the full set bonus is pretty weak, and the mods on shield, body and helm aren't that great), but replacing glove and belt combo is tough. Why? 30% IAS on the gloves, but then the belt gives 20 to life, 20% Fire res, a decent amount of defense (but ok who cares) and 10% life steal. Adding in the boots can be nice too, with 20% run/walk, 40% cold res, 50 to attack rating and 50% magic find. I'm running a zealer and kept using the glove and belt combo into Hell until I found Laying of Hands. (I had Infernostrides, so didn't add Sigon's boots.)
    albertlevins9191: Civerb's Cudgel better be on this list.
    I use it for most of normal and parts of NM.
    zaug1561: Full Hsarus set is GG at level 3.
    murphvienna1: Weapon Ort Rune Chipped Gem = Repair Recharge item
    on begin of ladder you will need run Countess anyway, keep all Ort and Rals (Ral for Armor, Ort for Weapon) for expensive repairs.
    thegreatwalrus153: Irathas didn't even get an honorable mention? That set has amazing resists for such a low level set.
    endersblade: That added lightning damage on the Tal's neck is completely worthless to a caster...I have no idea why they didn't just put % to lightning damage on it.
    chrispratt3666: Was I just spacing out or was G Face in the thumbnail and not in the video itself?
    omniunown: I guess everyone knows about Sandars Boots and G face, but...
    lightning3865: The attack rating from duo angelics is nuts vs ubers
    thluft: Ik on barb is the coolest thing in d2 imo
    omgopet: Why didn't you at least honorable mention the cudgel, you even had it shown on your char at the end? Best starting item for barb, would be for pala as well if holy fire wasn't so op...
    greggen63: Three piece Immortal King (belt, gloves, boots) is a great option for melee builds. Fire and lightning resists, a stack of Strength, Life, 25 IAS and 25 MF. Do you get the 10 life leech too? I forget. But it's a very flexible and sound option.
    meteorstormz8224: Guillaume's Face one of the most popular helm for any melee character
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