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This OBSCURE AURA is GODLY NOW Diablo 2 Resurrected

  • This OBSCURE AURA is GODLY NOW Diablo 2 Resurrected Jan 20 2025

    Evie_Raven: I've been using lawbringer on the a5 merc for this aura on my bowzon. It's so good and helps so much in CS. Been running him with Treachery for the ias, fade, and venom proc instead of the extra damage (fort) since damage on PB is so low. Off hand is hustle for the additional Ias and AR since I'm running harmony instead of faith.
    Steph1: Iceman: this is a budget build
    Iceman 2 minutes later: so here I use Fortitude

    jynx5616: Sanctuary aura also lets you leech off undead. I could see the life steal animation when you were attacking mephs minions.
    Ishaksonn: wait, wives as in multiple? gg mate.
    Barnewallian: My favourite whirlwind barb (I dont like frenzy) is azurewrath ber grief. Destroys everything. One of the most underrated weapons in the game.
    -Keith-: Sanctuary aura from azurewrath / lawbringer has always been godly, even in its bugged state in LoD because it allows you to bypass all physical resistance/immunity on undead. It even allows you to leech off of non-skeletal physical immune undead (mummies, ghosts, etc). Lawbringer phase blade has always been one of the best budget endgame items for barbarians, kicker or kick/trap hybrid assassins, crushing blow zealots, and barb mercenaries ever since 1.10.
    xykla86: Baal has manaburn skill and eats your mana
    fuku512: Whisper* welcome!!!!

    Use laying of hands. The demon dmg is worth it. Its better than dracs and the fire res is toad
    paulthepolarbear9914: Hog Daddy. Ishmael here. I got a new wife dawg. YUGGGE upgrade. I feel mayhaps I been touched by thine blessings.
    Barnewallian: And of the few unique weapons that stood the test of time.
    michaelhallier4300: Thank you for this vital research Iceman
    ZachBurns-gu9zk: Thanks iceman i really like that you showed this. Aw is one of my favorites. I almost always use it on my budget smite build.
    Maniaco1612: It would be great after all the tests you did with different builds of a frenzy uber barb to do a video on ranking them - godliest to ungodliest. Would be quite interesting to find out what’s the ultimate budget build for slaying ubers with a frenzy barb.
    blakebalentine: If u use pride on merk. Does magik damage from azurewrath go up i wonder
    brianmcdougal1344: I use azurewrath on my summons druid with an eth, loh, cats eye, nos, jals, spirit shield, duress/arkaine valor, gob toe/war trav, raven frost, dual leech ar ring max fury, rest to ww. Might merc uses pride, Bramble and rockstopper.
    pires11d: What if you swapped Fortitude for Treachery? Wouldn't it be better because of the IAS? And also fade
    xtwytchx1872: Love this aura, grief azure is rediculous. Just with it did damage to demons too like they made the holy bolts do
    erickknutz5599: What insane timing, I am very new to D2R having come from LoD, and just traded for 2x lvl13 Sanc Azurewraths in order to try them on an Act5 Frenzy merc. The goal (that worked in LoD with items like Lawbringer, Delirium) is to have him be self-sufficient in the nastiest of areas on my 1ptSmiter/Maxed Zealot... so if the double Azurewrath only ends up in offensive power and losing the Decrep causes the merc to die, then I will probably just change to Azure Lawbringer with Delirium in the helm for insane crowd control.
    olivierdube9121: How is the LVL required not 85 ?
    smalps-gaming: Love Azure! I main that with Grief on my WW Barb.
    shreddRRR: Those Azurewrath's would really like 40? 15 Max Damage jewels more so than open wounds rune
    maxpower2511: Something like Azurewrath would be nice if it was not for monster natural immunity. It's got 500 min damage just on the magic/cold. On paper if you did not know anything it looks better than grief
    tylerduncan154: I want to see this, but with the A5 merc soloing it instead lol
    cyprn6600: you have to pay the puppy tax professor.
    jpatty5964: I thought you were gonna say “like freaking Anakin skywalker and the kids” lol
    maximilianwindisch-graetz2341: one of the best uniques in game!
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