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Unique Items Only Barbarian D2R HC 1 to Hell

  • Unique Items Only Barbarian D2R HC 1 to Hell Feb 27 2025

    dmcx-tv2308: Dear Necromancer Users,

    You are about to witness the most ridiculous RNG you'll ever see.
    ydainesplayground1059: hey looter! i love your d2r vids. can you do Horadric Cube Crafted Items only challenge?
    TurboCarotte: For your Gidbinn ring : 120 Attack ratting is the max roll for that affix (Platinum Prefix ==> 101-120 to Attack Rating). But there is also another affix that gives Attack Ratting Light Radius (Radiance Suffix ==> 3 to Light Radius, 30 to Attack Rating)
    So, you can have both these affixes and get max 150 Attack ratting :)
    tarheels100: Nonstop bonesnaps for the necro, then every wand and necro item for the barb. Beautiful.
    StupidDanimations: That barb was a necromancer in his past life.
    jameswarner5878: This should be a good one
    chrisxl5152: Looter.. youre awesome man thanks for the fun content.
    DSNdubstep: Looter go fro Original HC Sorc melee. See if that is enough of a challenge for you
    dakotahsteier5481: had a pretty bad day. was excited on my lunch at work cause i saw a video from you. knew i'd have something to take my mind off things once i got home. thanks man.
    returnofmerenguespersempre: Ohh just in time for my lunch! What a treat!
    antonkot6250: Wand finding masterclass
    dimitriimanbaew621: You could've used the jade tan-do for cannot be frozen.
    kslayer55: I know you werent to happy with the gibden view count but i was one of the viwers and it was definitely interesting, it was a concept id never have thought to do so that alone intrigued me / went about as well as you could have expected to be honest
    LaddRusso91: I love your videos bro, do you stream anywhere?
    DamianPereyraHs: Dear Looter:

    Hi, i started my second HC SSF run with a Bowazon. Yesterday i found my second Ko Rune (on my second run). Thanks for your blessing!
    rhrousselle: I always get amazed how you beat these challenges with such little gear! Awesome video!
    uhhitsjon: I'm a simple man. I see a new looter video, I watch the new looter video
    MrStevenSpeelberg: Yesss! I love watching your videos!! You are very funny and knowledgeable about the game! I very much enjoy your commentary and gameplay! Good challenge!!
    lec6596: Yo. Awesome video dude.
    funkyfish1026: Lets go!!
    johnwhitehouse966: You get multiple Bonesnap as necro and many wands as barbarian. Classic RNG.
    02blazp: Looter you da best
    leeloodallasmultibox6172: gg
    silentsnooper3307: Game is telling you that the next challenge involves a necro lol.
    Great vid! <3
    georgesafi6010: Awesome videos!
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