Why Diablo 2 snobs are wrong about D4 runewords from a d2 player Diablo 4
Why Diablo 2 snobs are wrong about D4 runewords from a d2 player Diablo 4Sep 17 2024
CarpeDiem-nu5sz: D4 brought back RUNES, not runeWARDS. Anyone who says different is just objectively wrong. Putting runes in gear, doesnt make a runeward. Its like your jah ist ber example no different.
lordlucario8828: thank you!!!! i hate those d2 snobs that think the d4 ones need to be like the ones in d2. and as someone who played d2 for 20 years i can say that. the d4 ones are still runewords and are still great!
bd2eazy: I agree with you.... Sidenote .. in d4 we have an armor that's in every build and it's tyreals lol. It annoys the crap out of me
whoopsie321: Yeah I hate how cringe the D2 Hardcore fanbois are. Yeah no shit its not the same its a completely different game
joshuabowen2008: I totally agree with you here this runeword system in d4 is better for the the long run and make the unique items even better than before and doesnt kill them like it did for diablo 2.
W for this video!!!! Anyone who thinks d2 runewords were the best thing ever should just go play diablo 2 and stop complaining about D4... they are not the same game and as a D2 original fan boy, I am glad its not because we played D2 for 20 years and its time for a change!
gheorghevasile1412: this man hit the nail in the head with a nuke!!Enigma ruined any diversity in builds...
subyhandstands285: GREAT video. Blizzard take note please.
gnostic94: If only they had cool affects and changed gameplay, instead we get more damage.
scottyP1672: Well said… besides your pronunciations. Ber is not said like bear. It’s pronounced ‘bur’. And shako is pronounced ‘Shay Ko’, not ‘Shack O’
hp5310: POE 2 releases soon :)
spindoggytheexplorer2915: I might be misunderstanding you but did you say at the end there that they could improve the D4 system by having them add an additional special effect when used together?
Isn’t that basically the same thing as D2 rune words but instead of adding like 4-6 affixes you would be adding one, without the names attached?
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