Buy Diablo 2 Helms Druid Pelts
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Rare Antlers Corpse VisorCorpse Visor
Defense: 41
Durability: 20 of 20
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 24
Required Level: 42
+2 to Druid Skills
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+1 to Cyclone Armor (Druid Only)
+66% Enhanced Defense
+10 to Energy
+11 to Life
Lightning Resist +27%
Color$ 0.87
Rare Hunter's Guise Beast VisageBeast Visage
Hunter's Guise
Defense: 75
Durability: 20 of 20
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 56
Required Level: 42
10% Chance to cast level 3 Nova when struck
+2 to Druid Skills
+1 to Summon Grizzly (Druid Only)
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+5 to Energy
+10 to Life$ 0.27
Magic Hawk Helm Gaean Hawk HelmGaean Hawk Helm
Defense: 10
Durability: 40 of 40
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 20
Required Level: 45
+3 to Elemental Skills (Druid Only)
+1 to Summon Grizzly (Druid Only)
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+1 to Heart of Wolverine (Druid Only)$ 0.44
Rare Antlers Skull Casque & RepairedSkull Casque
Defense: 31
Durability: 60 of 60
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 24
Required Level: 42
+2 to Druid Skills
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+2 to Twister (Druid Only)
+27% Enhanced Defense
+4 to Life
Fire Resist +22%
Repairs 1 durability in 20 seconds
Color$ 0.27
Rare Hawk Helm Raven CircletRaven Circlet
Hawk Helm
Defense: 24
Durability: 20 of 20
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 20
Required Level: 42
12% Chance to cast level 4 Charged Bolt when struck
+2 to Druid Skills
+2 to Summon Grizzly (Druid Only)
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+1 to Solar Creeper (Druid Only)
+55% Enhanced Defense
+7 to Life
Poison Resist +5%
Color$ 0.27
Magic Antlers Gaean Antlers of the ElephantGaean Antlers of the Elephant
Defense: 21
Durability: 40 of 40
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 24
Required Level: 45
+3 to Elemental Skills (Druid Only)
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
0 to Life (Based on Character Level)
0 to Mana (Based on Character Level)$ 0.44
Magic Hunter's Guise Gaean Hunter's Guise of the MindGaean Hunter's Guise of the Mind
Defense: 72
Durability: 20 of 20
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 56
Required Level: 45
+3 to Elemental Skills (Druid Only)
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+6 to Energy$ 0.44
Rare Antlers Demon HornDemon Horn
Defense: 30
Durability: 20 of 20
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 24
Required Level: 43
12% Chance to cast level 4 Charged Bolt when struck
+2 to Druid Skills
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+21% Enhanced Defense
+23 to Life
Cold Resist +5%
Color$ 0.36
Rare Antlers Dire Veil & RepairedDire Veil
Defense: 21
Durability: 20 of 20
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 24
Required Level: 42
+2 to Druid Skills
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+2 to Shock Wave (Druid Only)
+2 to Heart of Wolverine (Druid Only)
+7 to Energy
+16 to Life
+1 to Light Radius
Repairs 1 durability in 33 seconds
Socketed (1)
Color$ 0.27
Rare Falcon Mask Glyph HornGlyph Horn
Falcon Mask
Defense: 35
Durability: 60 of 60
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 28
Required Level: 42
+2 to Druid Skills
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+2 to Volcano (Druid Only)
+1 to Solar Creeper (Druid Only)
+22% Enhanced Defense
+6 to Energy
+12 to Life
+1 to Light Radius
Color$ 0.87
Rare Hunter's Guise Wraith Mask & 2 SocketedWraith Mask
Hunter's Guise
Defense: 235
Durability: 20 of 20
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 56
Required Level: 43
+2 to Druid Skills
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+187% Enhanced Defense
+28 to Life
Socketed (2)$ 14.25
Rare Spirit Mask Doom Casque & RepairedDoom Casque
Spirit Mask
Defense: 43
Durability: 20 of 20
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 30
Required Level: 42
+2 to Druid Skills
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+1 to Fire Claws (Druid Only)
+22% Enhanced Defense
+2 to Energy
Poison Resist +28%
Repairs 1 durability in 20 seconds
Color$ 0.27
Magic Antlers Gaean Antlers of MemoryGaean Antlers of Memory
Defense: 22
Durability: 20 of 20
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 24
Required Level: 45
+3 to Elemental Skills (Druid Only)
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
0 to Mana (Based on Character Level)$ 0.44
Magic Antlers Hierophant's Antlers of the TigerHierophant's Antlers of the Tiger
Defense: 19
Durability: 40 of 40
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 24
Required Level: 43
+2 to Druid Skills
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+1 to Solar Creeper (Druid Only)
+30 to Life$ 0.74
Magic Hawk Helm Hierophant's Hawk HelmHierophant's Hawk Helm
Defense: 14
Durability: 20 of 20
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 20
Required Level: 42
+2 to Druid Skills
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+2 to Summon Dire Wolf (Druid Only)$ 0.44
Rare Antlers Dire CircletDire Circlet
Defense: 21
Durability: 20 of 20
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 24
Required Level: 42
+2 to Druid Skills
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+1 to Shock Wave (Druid Only)
+4 to Energy
Cold Resist +14%
Lightning Resist +8%
Color$ 0.27
Rare Falcon Mask Carrion VisorCarrion Visor
Falcon Mask
Defense: 18
Durability: 20 of 20
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 28
Required Level: 42
14% Chance to cast level 5 Charged Bolt when struck
+2 to Druid Skills
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+2 to Solar Creeper (Druid Only)
+22 to Life
Poison Resist +8%
Color$ 0.96
Rare Hunter's Guise Bramble Visor & RepairedBramble Visor
Hunter's Guise
Defense: 99
Durability: 20 of 20
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 56
Required Level: 42
+2 to Druid Skills
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+1 to Solar Creeper (Druid Only)
+21% Enhanced Defense
+21 to Life
Fire Resist +10%
Repairs 1 durability in 33 seconds$ 0.96
Rare Antlers Dire CowlDire Cowl
Defense: 31
Durability: 20 of 20
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 24
Required Level: 42
+2 to Druid Skills
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+24% Enhanced Defense
+7 to Energy
+6 to Life
Lightning Resist +19%
Color$ 0.87
Rare Antlers Raven VisorRaven Visor
Defense: 43
Durability: 20 of 20
(Druid Only)
Required Strength: 24
Required Level: 42
12% Chance to cast level 4 Nova when struck
+2 to Druid Skills
+3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
+2 to Shock Wave (Druid Only)
+72% Enhanced Defense
+3 to Life
Cold Resist +30%
Color$ 0.27