$ 0.00

Buy D2R Ladder Items Gloves Rare

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  • D2R Ladder Crafted Heavy Gloves Stone Finger
    D2R Ladder Crafted Heavy Gloves Stone Finger
    Stone Finger
    Heavy Gloves
    Durability: 14 of 14
    Required Level: 57
    +2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    3% Life stolen per hit
    +10% Chance of Crushing Blow
    32% Enhanced Defense
    +19 to Life
    +18 to Mana

    $ 1.85

  • D2R Ladder Crafted Heavy Gloves Stone Knuckle
    D2R Ladder Crafted Heavy Gloves Stone Knuckle
    Stone Knuckle
    Heavy Gloves
    Durability: 14 of 14
    Required Level: 57
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    4% Life stolen per hit
    10% Chance of Crushing Blow
    54% Enhanced Defense
    +13 to Life
    Lightning Resist 25%

    $ 0.85

  • D2R Ladder Crafted Heavy Gloves Storm Teuch
    D2R Ladder Crafted Heavy Gloves Storm Teuch
    Storm Teuch
    Heavy Gloves
    Defense: 6
    Durability: 14 of 14
    Required Level: 57
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    3% Mana stolen per hit
    1% Life stolen per hit
    +10% Chance of Crushing Blow
    +17 to Life
    Lightning Reesist +23%
    7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

    $ 0.85

  • D2R Ladder Crafted Heavy Gloves Wraith Grip
    D2R Ladder Crafted Heavy Gloves Wraith Grip
    Wraith Grip
    Heavy Gloves
    Durabitity: 13 of 14
    Reoured Level: 59
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    3% Life stolen per hit
    10% Chance of Crushing Blow
    +43% Enhanced Defense
    +6 to Strength
    +20 to Life
    66% Extra Gold from Monsters

    $ 0.85

  • D2R Ladder Crafted Chain Gloves Skull Finger
    D2R Ladder Crafted Chain Gloves Skull Finger
    Skull Finger
    Chain Gloves
    Defense: 8
    Durability: 16 of 16
    Required Strength: 25
    Required Level: 57
    5% Chance to cast level 4 Frost Nova when Struck
    +2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon Only)
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    0 Defense (based 0n Character Level)
    +5 Maximum Stamina
    Attacker Takes Damage of 7

    $ 1.85

  • D2R Ladder Crafted Heavy Bracers Gale Grip
    D2R Ladder Crafted Heavy Bracers Gale Grip
    Gale Grip
    Heavy Bracers
    Defense: 40
    Durabitity: 14 of 16
    Required Strength: 58
    Required Level: 57
    5% Chance to cast level 4 Frost Nova when Struck
    +2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon Only)
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    3% Mana stolen per hit
    +2 to Dexterity
    Attacker Takes Damage of 7

    $ 1.85

  • D2R Ladder Crafted Heavy Gloves Ghoul Clutches
    D2R Ladder Crafted Heavy Gloves Ghoul Clutches
    Ghoul Clutches
    Heavy Gloves
    Durability: 14 of 14
    Required Level: 57
    +2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    3% Life stolen per hit
    +10% Chance of Crushing Blow
    68% Enhanced Defense
    +17 to Life
    Lightning Resist 25%

    $ 1.85

  • D2R Ladder Crafted Heavy Gloves Storm Finger
    D2R Ladder Crafted Heavy Gloves Storm Finger
    Storm Finger
    Heavy Gloves
    Defense: 5
    Durabitity: I) of 14
    Required Level: 73
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    4% Life stolen per hit
    10% Chance of Crushing Blow
    +12 to Strength
    +18 to Life
    Fire Resist +11%

    $ 1.85

  • D2R Ladder Crafted Sharkskin Gloves Raven Claw
    D2R Ladder Crafted Sharkskin Gloves Raven Claw
    Raven Claw
    Sharkskin Gloves
    Defense: 48
    Durability: 14 of 14
    Required Strength: 20
    Required Level: 57
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    6% Life stolen per hit
    10% Chance of Crushing Blow
    22% Enhanced Defense
    +17 to Life
    Cold Resist 12%

    $ 1.85

  • D2R Ladder Crafted Vampirebone Gloves Dire Claw
    D2R Ladder Crafted Vampirebone Gloves Dire Claw
    Dire Claw
    Vampirebone Gloves
    Defense: 93
    Durability: 14 of 14
    Required Strength: 50
    Required Level: 57
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    3% Life stolen per hit
    +10% Chance of Crushing Blow
    +41% Enhanced Defense
    +18 to Life
    60% Extra Gold from Monsters
    Repairs 1 durability in 20 Seconds

    $ 1.85

  • D2R Ladder Crafted Vampirebone Gloves Dire Grip
    D2R Ladder Crafted Vampirebone Gloves Dire Grip
    Dire Grip
    Vampirebone Gloves
    Defense: 63
    Durability: 14 of 14
    Required Strength: 50
    Required Level: 57
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    3% Life stolen per hit
    +10% Chance of Crushing Blow
    +15 to Life
    +12 to Mana
    53% Extra Gold from Monsters
    Repairs 1 durability in 33 Seconds

    $ 1.85

  • D2R Ladder Crafted Vampirebone Gloves Dire Teuch
    D2R Ladder Crafted Vampirebone Gloves Dire Teuch
    Dire Teuch
    Vampirebone Gloves
    Defense: 106
    Durability: 14 of 14
    Required Strength: 50
    Required Level: 57
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    3% Life stolen per hit
    10% Chance of Crushing Blow
    61% Enhanced Defense
    10 to Life
    Replenish Life +4
    55% Extra Gold from Monsters

    $ 1.85

  • D2R Ladder Rare Heavy Gloves Hailstone Hand
    D2R Ladder Rare Heavy Gloves Hailstone Hand
    Hailstone Hand
    Heavy Gloves
    Durability: 14 of 14
    Required Level: 35
    +2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    3% Life stolen per hit
    65% Enhanced Defense
    Lightning Resist +19%

    $ 1.85

  • D2R Ladder Rare Light Gauntlets Bitter Grip
    D2R Ladder Rare Light Gauntlets Bitter Grip
    Bitter Grip
    Light Gauntlets
    Defense: 25
    Durability: 18 of 18
    Required Strength: 45
    Required Level: 43
    +2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    3% Life stolen per hit
    +111% Enhanced Defense
    +5 to Strength
    Lightning Resist +18%

    $ 1.85

  • D2R Ladder Rare Vambraces Carrion Grasp
    D2R Ladder Rare Vambraces Carrion Grasp
    Carrion Grasp
    Defense: 106
    Durabitity: I) of 16
    Required Strength: 106
    Required Level: 51
    +2 to Marttial Arts (Assassin Only)
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    57% Enhanced Defense
    +14 to Dexterity
    Lightning Reesist 26%
    Level 2 Charged Strike (10/25 Charces)

    $ 1.85

  • D2R Ladder Rare Vambraces Storm Fist
    D2R Ladder Rare Vambraces Storm Fist
    Storm Fist
    Defense: 62
    Durability: 16 of 16
    Required Strength: 106
    Required Level: 51
    5% Chance to cast level 3 Frost Nova when Struck
    +2 to Martial Arts (Assassin Only)
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    +15 to Strength

    $ 1.85

  • D2R Ladder Crafted Chain Gloves Bone Touch
    D2R Ladder Crafted Chain Gloves Bone Touch
    Bone Touch
    Chain Gloves
    Defense: 9
    Durabitity: 14 of 16
    Required Strength: 25
    Required Level: 77
    5% Chance to cast level 4 Frost Nova when Struck
    +2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon Only)
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    Poison Resist 21%
    Attacker Takes Damage of 4
    Level 3 Mu Ttiple Short (14/27 Charces)

    $ 1.85

  • D2R Ladder Crafted Heavy Gloves Eagle Touch
    D2R Ladder Crafted Heavy Gloves Eagle Touch
    Eagle Touch
    Heavy Gloves
    Defense: 6
    Durabitity: 13 of 14
    Required Level: 73
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    3% Life stolen per hit
    +10% Chance of Crushing Blow
    +10 to Strength
    +1 to Life
    Lightning Resist 6%
    Half Freeze Duration

    $ 1.85

  • D2R Ladder Crafted Sharkskin Gloves Glyph Claw
    D2R Ladder Crafted Sharkskin Gloves Glyph Claw
    Glyph Claw
    Sharkskin Gloves
    Defense: 35
    Durability: 14 of 14
    Required Strength: 20
    Required Level: 57
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    3% Mana stolen per hit
    1% Life stolen per hit
    10% Chance of Crushing Blow
    +15 to Life
    Poison Resist +5%
    Poison Length Reduced by 25%

    $ 1.85

  • D2R Ladder Crafted Demonhide Gloves Fiend Fist
    D2R Ladder Crafted Demonhide Gloves Fiend Fist
    Fiend Fist
    Demonhide Gloves
    Defense: 31
    Durability: 12 of 12
    Required Strength: 20
    Required Level: 59
    +2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)
    20% Increased Attack Speed
    +6 to Strength
    +13 to Mana
    Regenerate Mana 7%
    +3 to Mana after each Kill
    19% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

    $ 1.85

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