Buy D2R Items Helms Assassin Rare Circlets
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D2R Rare Circlet Doom CasgueDoom Casgue
Defense: 22
Durability: 35 of 35
Required Level: 63
+2 to Traps (Assassin Only)
+23 to Strength
+18 to Dexterity
Cold Resist 24%
Damage Reduced by 3$ 1.85
D2R Rare Tiara Plague CowlPlague Cowl
Defense: 46
Durability: 25 of 25
Required Level: 67
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
+19 to Dexterity
+36 to Life
All Resistances +13$ 1.85
D2R Rare Tiara Beast CircletBeast Circlet
Defense: 88
Durability: 25 of 25
Required Level: 67
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
+8 to Minimum Damage
74% Enhanced Defense
20 to Strength
Fire Resist 21%$ 1.85
D2R Rare Circlet Storm HeepStorm Heep
Defense: 28
Durability: 35 of 35
Required Level: 67
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
8% Mana stolen per hit
+19 to Dexterity
Poison Resist +20%$ 1.85
D2R Rare Coronet Pain CrestPain Crest
Defense: 65
Durability: 30 of 30
Required Level: 67
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
3% Life stolen per hit
59% Enhanced Defense
+17 to Dexterity
+4 to Mana after each Kill$ 1.85
D2R Rare Tiara Raven CasqueRaven Casque
Defense: 46
Durability: 25 of 25
Reoured Level: 67
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
+8 to Minimum Damage
+21 to Life
All Resistances +15$ 1.85
D2R Rare Circlet Storm HeepStorm Heep
Defense: 30
Durability: 35 of 35
Required Level: 63
+2 to Traps (Assassin Only)
+27 to Strength
+12 to Dexterity
+59 to Life
Lightning Resist 28%
+3 to Mana after each Kill$ 1.85
D2R Rare Coronet Carrion CircletCarrion Circlet
Defense: 36
Durability: 30 of 30
Required Level: 67
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
6% Mana stolen per hit
+56 to Mana
Lightning Resist 40%
Level 1 Ternapdeo (22/22 Charces)$ 1.85
D2R Rare Coronet Hailstone ShellHailstone Shell
Defense: 71
Durability: 30 of 30
Required Level: 67
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
74% Enhanced Defense
+14 to Strength
+17 to Dexterity
Fire Resist 26%$ 3.85
D2R Rare Circlet Grim VisageGrim Visage
Defense: 26
Durability: 35 of 35
Required Level: 67
14% Chance to cast level 5 Nova when Struck
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
8% Mana stolen per hit
+49 to Mana
Poison Resist +35%$ 2.85
D2R Rare Circlet Wraith CowlWraith Cowl
Defense: 30
Durability: 35 of 35
Required Level: 67
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
+4 to Minimum Damage
1% Bonus to Attack Rating (based 0n Character Level)
8% Life stolen per hit
+29 to Strength$ 2.85
D2R Rare Circlet Wraith HoedWraith Hoed
Defense: 23
Durability: 35 of 35
Required Level: 67
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
1% Bonus to Attack Rating (based 0n Character Level)
+19 to Strength
+11 to Life
All Resistances +18
Damage Reduced by 4$ 2.85
D2R Rare Coronet Raven VisageRaven Visage
Defense: 37
Durability: 30 of 30
Required Level: 67
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
+19 to Dexterity
Poison Resist +28%
Magic Damage Reduced by 3$ 2.85
D2R Rare Tiara Fiend CasqueFiend Casque
Defense: 97
Durability: 25 of 25
Required Level: 67
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
92% Enhanced Defense
+18 to Dexterity
+18 to Mana
Damage Reduced by 3$ 1.85
D2R Rare Tiara Runne HornRunne Horn
Defense: 100
Durability: 25 of 25
Required Level: 67
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
98% Enhanced Defense
+19 to Strength
Fire Resist 26%
Attacker Takes Damage of 4$ 1.85
D2R Rare Tiara Soul BrowSoul Brow
Defense: 86
Durability: 25 of 25
Required Level: 67
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
69% Enhanced Defense
+36 to Life
All Resistances +12
Attacker Takes Damage of 2$ 2.85
D2R Rare Circlet Blood VisageBlood Visage
Defense: 23
Durabilityy: 35 of 35
Reoured Level: 67
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
+13 to Strength
+36 to Life
Cold Resist 28%$ 2.85
D2R Rare Coronet Rune HoopRune Hoop
Defense: 30
Durability: 30 of 30
Required Level: 67
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
Adds 7-20 Cold Damage
+35 to Life
Poison Resist +32%
Magic Damage Reduceed by 3$ 2.85
D2R Rare Coronet Shadow TaskShadow Task
Defense: 56
Durability: 30 of 30
Required Level: 67
14% Chance to cast level 5 Charged Bolt when Struck
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
39% Enhanced Defense
+40 to Life
Cold Resist 21%$ 2.85
D2R Rare Circlet Skull VeilSkull Veil
Defense: 24
Durability: 35 of 35
Required Level: 67
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
+7 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
Lightning Resist 28%
Fire Resist 39%$ 2.85