Diablo 2 Guide
How to socket with cube?
Sep 21 20141 Ral-Rune + 1 Amn-Rune + 1 perfect Amethyst + 1 normal weapon 1 Tal-Rune + 1 Thul-Rune + 1 perfect Topas + 1 normal armor 1 Ral-Rune + 1 Thul-Rune + 1 perfect Saphir + 1 normal helm 1 Tal-Rune + 1 Amn-Rune + 1 perfect Rubin + 1 normal shield How to upgrade Rare Items? (norm->elite Type) 1 Ort-Rune + 1 Amn-Rune + 1 perfect Saphir + normal rare weapo == exceptional rare weapon 1 Fal-Rune + 1 Um-Rune + 1 perfect Saphir + exceptional rare weapo == elite rare weapon 1 Ral-Rune + 1 Thul-Rune + 1 perfect Amethyst + 1 normal rare armor == exceptional rare armor 1 Ko-Rune + 1 Pul-Rune + 1 perfect Amethyst + exceptional rare armor == elite rare armor How to upgrade unique items? (norm->elite Type) 1 Ral-Rune + 1 Sol-Rune + 1 perfect Emerald + normal unique Weapon == exceptional uniq... -
Diablo II Ladder Reset May 27 May 21 2014It's that time again! On the morning of May 27, we'll be conducting maintenance in order to reset the Diablo II ladder. We anticipate the realms could be down for up to six hours, and during that time all existing ladder characters will be converted to non-ladder. All characters and items being converted to non-ladder will remain intact, but once converted these characters will no longer have access to ladder content such as ladder-only rune words. This ladder reset, like all those before it, creates a clean slate where all ladder characters begin at level 1 with no previous items to help them. To participate, simply wait until the Diablo II realms return to service on May 27, log in to Battle.net, and select the Ladder Character checkbox when creating a new character. You can track lad...
RuneWord Hybrid coming. Mar 11 2014Enigma of Duress Added.
New ladder runes added. Nov 27 2013Runewords is coming.
Newes! Diablo II Ladder Reset November 26! Nov 14 2013Newes! Diablo II Ladder Reset November 26!
Great price! May 16 2013Ladder cheap runewords update.
New Ladder Reset Time. May 14 2013Diablo II Ladder Reset – May 14,2013. All Ladder Items Have Been Reset.
New ladder again. Nov 10 2012All ladder items is coming.
USWest items updating. Sep 23 2012this process need 5-7 days.
Diablo 3 Gold Supply! Jun 03 2012please contact our msn messager billrune@hotmail.com for d3 gold.
SALE!!! 10% OFF!!! Mar 19 201210% OFF if any of your order over $10.
Items news: Mar 01 2012All Ladder and NON-Ladder items updated on Feb 29,2012.
All crafted boots price changed. Feb 26 2012New items will updated on Feb 29,2012.
SALE!!! All registed user 20% OFF now. Nov 27 201110% OFF if your order over $10.
Super price arrived on new ladder! Nov 15 2011All new ladder items will be changed in 2 hours. Thank you for your purchase.
All d2saloon rigisted accounts restored. Sep 16 2011Please login with your old account and password if you want. thank you.
New ladder coming. Sep 28 2010All ladder items will move to non-ladder because ladder reset.
All realm Ladder items will update every week. Jul 04 2010All realm NON-Ladder items will update every two weeks.
Items news: Jun 08 2010USEast NON-Ladder items has been updated. USWest NON-Ladder items has been updated.
Items news: May 29 2010Europe NON-Ladder items has been updated
Referral Awards automatic added. 5% on completed referral orders. Create an account and get your own referral link.
Items news: Apr 07 2010All realm ladder annis in stock.
Ladder OAK CTA coming. Apr 06 2010All realm 40 all resist OAK/6BO CTA added. Europe Ladder items coming...
All realm items updated. Feb 23 2010It's easy to find your items by keyword search. e.g. 'Paladin socket'
Forum script got big error. Old script restored. No need regist new account when you place order. Items mule information will be delivered to your paypal email. Thank you very much!
Hope you post your suggestions on forum or send pm to d2saloon. Thank you very much.
Trade Forum www.aleegame.com will close. May 04 2009Forum data will move to site d2saloon.com.
East Ladder and West Ladder items Updated! May 04 2009East NON-Ladder and West NON-Ladder items coming soon.