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  • June 5 2020 ladder reset. Our items for new ladder is arrived. More items coming soon.  Goodluck!
  • Dec 6 2019 ladder reset. Our items for new ladder is arrived. More items coming soon.  Goodluck!
  • We received an email from a custmer. I think it's useful for everyone before buy diablo 2 items.If your items are legit real stock why is there a possibility of being banned?If you help transfer items, are you on the mule account?If you're on the mule account, and I realm down can I retransfer items later?Is there an easy way to use my credit card with PayPal to you without a PayPal account?Do I need to make PayPal account to order?Also are there items you can get that aren't on the website right now?On average estimate how long does your lv 90 level up take? It mentions 24hours but is it quicker?what i answer here:we do diablo 2 items over 10 years1. 99% items real in stock and we only legit items for sale. blizzard never ban accounts before if don't use the bot or plugin even you use...
  • Greetings adventurers, Darkness gathers and it is once more time to fight the evils that lurk below Sanctuary. The next Diablo II ladder reset is scheduled for Friday, June 14 at 5:00 PM PT! We'll see you in a couple weeks for the latest ladder reset!Cheers,Diablo Community Teamhttps://us.battle.net/forums/en/bnet/topic/20771447104
  • D2 new ladder has begun!  New ladder items is coming!
  • It's that time again! On the morning of Tuesday, May 30, we'll be conducting maintenance in order to reset the Diablo II ladder. We anticipate the realms could be down for up to six hours, and during that time all existing ladder characters will be converted to non-ladder. All characters and items being converted to non-ladder will remain intact, but once converted these characters will no longer have access to ladder content such as ladder-only rune words. This ladder reset, like all those before it, creates a clean slate where all ladder characters begin at level 1 with no previous items to help them. To participate, simply wait until the Diablo II realms return to service on  May 30, log in to Battle.net, and select the Ladder Character checkbox when creatin...
  • It's that time again! On the morning of Tuesday, November 22, we'll be conducting maintenance in order to reset the Diablo II ladder. We anticipate the realms could be down for up to six hours, and during that time all existing ladder characters will be converted to non-ladder. All characters and items being converted to non-ladder will remain intact, but once converted these characters will no longer have access to ladder content such as ladder-only rune words. This ladder reset, like all those before it, creates a clean slate where all ladder characters begin at level 1 with no previous items to help them. To participate, simply wait until the Diablo II realms return to service on November 22, log in to Battle.net, and select the Ladder Character checkbox when crea...
  • Start deciding your next build, because it's ladder reset time. We'll take the servers down for maintenance on May 17th at 10:00 AM PDT. Expect a few hours of downtime. The maintenance will also include Patch 1.14c that addresses a few bugs from the a and b patches.    New ladder items arrived!
  • New Ladder Again!  New Ladder Items is Arrived!
  • It's that time again! On the morning of Tuesday, November 24, we'll be conducting maintenance to reset the Diablo II ladder. We anticipate the realms could be down for up to six hours, and during that time all existing ladder characters will be converted to non-ladder. All characters and items being converted to non-ladder will remain intact, but once converted these characters will no longer have access to ladder content such as ladder-only rune words.This ladder reset, like all those before it, creates a clean slate where all ladder characters begin at level 1 with no previous items to help them. To participate, simply wait until the Diablo II realms return to service on November 24, log in to Battle.net, and select the Ladder Character checkbox when creating a new character. You can tra...
  • Me Showing My Hammerdin Smiter, Nova Sorc, WW Barb, LLD Zealer, Auradin, Bowa Zon, and Traders...
  • Get MPQ Editor Jun 12 2015
    Programs you'll need: Get MPQ Editor (http://www.zezula.net/en/mpq/download.html). Cdkey mpq shell file. NOTE: This is a banned cdkey. It does not work. It is simply here to give you a mpq file to put your key files into. Process: Install the 26 char version of Diablo II (whatever came with your keys). Open d2char.mpq in MPQ Editor, select "Open the MPQ in read-only mode" when asked, leave all other options as is. Go to dataglobalcharsamcof and extract (drag and drop) amblxbow.cof Open d2sfx.mpq in MPQ Editor, select "Open the MPQ in read-only mode" when asked, leave all other options as is. Go to dataglobalsfxcursor and extract (drag and drop) curindx.wav and wavindx.wav Create a cdkey mpq file with Serby's CD-Key Change using a 16-char key (doesn't ma...
  • So Blizzard created an online store which allows you to legally download games from their site. You do not need to purchase anything. You only need to enter your CD-Key into there site (A CD-Key only works once on their site), then your account can legally download the game. Steps to Download Diablo II: 1) Go over to http://www.blizzard.com/store/ 2) Create an account and verify it, if you do not have one. 3) When your logged in, hit the Account link in the top-right. 4) There should be four tabs on the right side, click the one that says Games. 5) You should now be at, https://www.blizzard.com/account/management/games.xml 6) Click Add New Game 7) Add your Diablo II CD-Key in the input box provided. 8) Repeat Step 6 and 7 for your Expansion CD-Key. 9) Now in your ...
  • It's that time again! On the morning of Tuesday, May 26, we'll be conducting maintenance in order to reset the Diablo II ladder. We anticipate the realms could be down for up to six hours, and during that time all existing ladder characters will be converted to non-ladder. All characters and items being converted to non-ladder will remain intact, but once converted these characters will no longer have access to ladder content such as ladder-only rune words. This ladder reset, like all those before it, creates a clean slate where all ladder characters begin at level 1 with no previous items to help them. To participate, simply wait until the Diablo II realms return to service on May 26, log in to Battle.net, and select the Ladder Character checkbox when creating a new character. You can ...
  • poe currency for sale Apr 10 2015
    WoW Gold, Archeage Gold, FFXIV Gil, SWTOR Gold, More Games on GameSmell.com
  • It's that time again! On the morning of Tuesday, November 25, we'll be conducting maintenance in order to reset the Diablo II ladder. We anticipate the realms could be down for up to six hours, and during that time all existing ladder characters will be converted to non-ladder. All characters and items being converted to non-ladder will remain intact, but once converted these characters will no longer have access to ladder content such as ladder-only rune words. This ladder reset, like all those before it, creates a clean slate where all ladder characters begin at level 1 with no previous items to help them. To participate, simply wait until the Diablo II realms return to service on November 25, log in to Battle.net, and select the Ladder Character checkbox when creating a new character...
  • 1 Ral-Rune + 1 Amn-Rune + 1 perfect Amethyst + 1 normal weapon 1 Tal-Rune + 1 Thul-Rune + 1 perfect Topas + 1 normal armor 1 Ral-Rune + 1 Thul-Rune + 1 perfect Saphir + 1 normal helm 1 Tal-Rune + 1 Amn-Rune + 1 perfect Rubin + 1 normal shield How to upgrade Rare Items? (norm->elite Type) 1 Ort-Rune + 1 Amn-Rune + 1 perfect Saphir + normal rare weapo == exceptional rare weapon 1 Fal-Rune + 1 Um-Rune + 1 perfect Saphir + exceptional rare weapo == elite rare weapon 1 Ral-Rune + 1 Thul-Rune + 1 perfect Amethyst + 1 normal rare armor == exceptional rare armor 1 Ko-Rune + 1 Pul-Rune + 1 perfect Amethyst + exceptional rare armor == elite rare armor How to upgrade unique items? (norm->elite Type) 1 Ral-Rune + 1 Sol-Rune + 1 perfect Emerald + normal unique Weapon == exceptional uniq...
  • It's that time again! On the morning of May 27, we'll be conducting maintenance in order to reset the Diablo II ladder. We anticipate the realms could be down for up to six hours, and during that time all existing ladder characters will be converted to non-ladder. All characters and items being converted to non-ladder will remain intact, but once converted these characters will no longer have access to ladder content such as ladder-only rune words. This ladder reset, like all those before it, creates a clean slate where all ladder characters begin at level 1 with no previous items to help them. To participate, simply wait until the Diablo II realms return to service on May 27, log in to Battle.net, and select the Ladder Character checkbox when creating a new character. You can track lad...
  • Enigma of Duress Added.
  • Runewords is coming.
  • Newes! Diablo II Ladder Reset November 26!
  • Great price! May 16 2013
    Ladder cheap runewords update.
  • Diablo II Ladder Reset – May 14,2013. All Ladder Items Have Been Reset.
  • New ladder again. Nov 10 2012
    All ladder items is coming.
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