Diablo 2 Guide
10 Tips to Speed Up How You Play Diablo 2 Jan 08 2025AcidBuu: Best clickbait yet, who doesn't want to become a god gamer? offroadturkey: If you tell me to not kill every single monster you will sorely disappointed! MattsoooN: This guys charms needs to be ordered by appearance. BrodalNso: Start to play poe its just the better game abigchair: I don't know if it's still the case anymore, but when I was last playing D2R you could manually unpack the assets and that made screen load times way faster (even on a top end PC with nvme SSD) - you just have to redo it every patch/update. DDadams0: Love your content man. You, Cooley, and Alzorath are the best D2 youtubers. bullpaxton2001: Llama stuck on D2... one of my favs of all time but I just don't know how you could be running that right now instead of poe. Micloren: One vid series I’d l...
Diablo 2 VS Diablo 2 Resurrected BREAKDOWN Jan 07 2025hankczinaski915: Graphically it's arguably the best remaster I've seen. UltimateEnd0: Vicarious Visions was on a roll improving D2R but dropped the ball when they didn't add loot filters, more character slots, & stackables WandererFromYs: Along the same lines as the cow kings, Getting the Halls of Pain WP doesn't close Pindleskins Portal. Roache93: I appreciate you doing these kinds of videos, Llama! Keep the fan base alive kevinoneil5120: Visually, D2R is everything I could have asked for in a remaster of this game. I only wish Vicarious Visions had been kept together to continue adding improvements over time (new runewords/events, small item/balance changes, improvements to a currently broken chat/lobby, mod support, etc) _ryju_: One thing seals the deal for me and renders everyt...
MAJOR GLITCHES in Diablo 2 Speedrunning Jan 06 2025brianp6682: You forgot the glitch where you try to kill meph with no light ees on your hard-core druid and he plows your face with bolts! nepaliff3183: 1st comment S1nwar: a topic that affects pretty much only MrLlama himself^^ dimitarivanov8864: Enjoying those vids Tr4dY: yo Novakan: There are a bunch of tricks that you can do to cheat time in speed runs. Doesn't make it right. For instance, you can start a fresh character, save a copy of it, play the game through, and save the maps. Reload the character as if it were fresh, but in reality, you have all the maps unlocked already. borjarte: Hi. theres a glitch at the Claw Viper temple where the snakes cant go up to the tomb where the amulet is. Therefore if you teleport there after is really easy killem all Cordjacke: Very nice. ...
Localano: The circlet was just to good GZ! Korey1234: HAIL TO YOU CHAMPION SebastianBohn: That circlet is cruel af. A true trophy. Also cg on 96. GG and keep grinding. jamesdavis2359: Love the gong clip when you level. Laugh every time lol. Huge mic drop xD pires11d: OH MY GOD, that rare circlet... It's insane!!! tagaris2: Another one excellent video !best diablo 2 content creator by far erenbilgili6493: You are going strong , nice finds :) bon3zable: Damn, that circlet... Easy 9 imo worldsfastestoneshots: Dude, you really need to post more often, your content is awesome! A week/or two between videos is such a dry spell, I don’t even want to wake up in the morning. aoogsdorgsldhg3790: Love. You. Bro. CzechParty: 9/10 circlet, cg man. haumph: do you have a link to your mosa...
chrispratt3666: It warms my cold heart to see someone enjoy Diablo 2 this much. f3korn: want real challenge? try bnet and player1 xD skrimp1: Good stuff brother! AllOutStyle: “Jeg fandt endelig det lort, mand!” GG my crazy Viking! Don’t know if that was better than the Jah rune roar but, still, I totally believe it came from the heart! Looking forward to your new crazy stupid ass challenges xingjian79: its thanks to passionate streamers like you, that I've spent over a year replaying this classic game. Have a great 2025!! ameyapawar5719: Thank you SUR fox for all the content brother. Its all a pleasure to join you on live stream. BTW i already know what will be number 1 find for 2025 and that will the last Ber of LKUAR ;) kubanitos: Oh, that Zod rune brings back memories. I ...
420haxx: Fleshripper is one of the most criminally underappreciated weapons in D2. Also always a great call to proc fade from treachery before going in to fight the Ubers. junkequation: I solo'ed Ubers on my barb for the first time yesterday. I used whirlwind. I swear it seems better than frenzy to me. Lifetap wand is also dead easy to get, has 105 charges or something, tons, and then it's so much easier to just weapon switch and cast it vs waiting for the dracs to proc. With a physical sunder charm, even baals summons die to the whirlwind. You just need a lot of attack rating. I used the angelic ring and amulet along with a demon limb for enchant. junkequation: Btw, so glad there's a d2 channel that focuses on by far the best class in the game. I will only play a sorc long enough to...
Zazizzlicious: I call b/s sorry, been playing this game for close to 22 years on/off giosario9364: Nice vid. But having your shield in your right hand threw me off :p chromff9261: Nice one. It’d be good to showcase further progress and I like hardcore more! Makes it more challenging tbh! Plus players can use different items reneangler: Sure, i love your videos ) Baddisattva: Great Journey! lepakage2: Is that really all the prices are on HC? Just a few pgems can really gear a character… goggu6652: Keep up the HC content! NguyenThang-in5om: ive wait for hc content until now
noclueblue924: Awesome, really glad to see both budget and GG options in a build guide gives new players an idea what they can get rather than everything feeling out Of reach. Good job. Nice video Ohhsnappyy: Why do u sound like Elon musk lol Nickp95: Whats the green aura? Chrollos_: Haven't played buriza before, what is a decent buriza? Cannot afford a gg one and will run without faith for the time being. marcinm8865: you can do t3 maps ? robertonuno2592: Awesome build,thank you for sharing it. janbinder7423: Would love to see the starting version of the build with A5 merc. shiva5949: awesome video and showcase *subbed, btw you sound like a german native speaker? Ahoi Kumpel adoptedirl7033: Did someone sell you that buriza as a zon? I slammed that day 1 and it boxed 3 when the g...
Skala2710: I'm a simple man, i get a looter video where he says gidibin and my day is instantly a good one. omgwtflmaololrotfl2368: one of the few D2 players i will watch a whole video no matter how long. thank you for the great content. Hakkis109: These videos always cheer up the day. Thank you Looter! sZiTa91: always joys me up when Gidbinn drops in your videos :D freedomfighter8883: Damn you're patient, using an underpowered skill like inferno in hell would drive me crazy 666Avsky: Dhalsim intro made me install street fighter 5 on my computer again lol freakskate3: so incredibly lucky to find that reapers toll. merc becomes invincible at that point! 10/10 video dude, keep it up. taylornez: Looter challenge with Dinner time so perfect combination andreistanciulescu7820: oh l...
jacksontcrazy9287: You just got me onto D2Reimagined....slow down haha faulric3009: PD2 is such a great experience. Glad you came back to the community! Cheers! ididitforyoshi: Project D2 is literally the best mod ever created. I swear I will play this until I’m 70… Wholleh: Hey there Dbrunski. So one of the map events spawns a lootgoblin that, among other loot, drops map reroll materials when you hit it and kill it. So your wish is already fulfilled. alexanderstevens5481: Just started playing Project Diablo 2 again last night and omg, I can't stress how much fun it is. D2Pilot: This is THE version of D2 I play. D2R, PoD, Median, ReImagined are all fine, but the changes in PD2 and the love of the game by the devs, mods, and community is what keeps me playing. If the mod eventual...
This NEW Barb Build is WILD Diablo 2 Resurrected Nov 07 2024junkequation: Barb is just the best character for playing on bnet as soon as you get about 2 high runes or net worth. Maybe single player on /players 8 he struggles, but online you are gonna mostly be playing in a game by yourself. Or the start of a ladder, yea, sorc/necro will do way better with no gear. As soon as you have access to dual griefs though, he blows everything else away. I started on sorc, have griffons, infinity merc, hoto, 200 fcr, also a geared javazon, but I almost always play my barb. He can dual wield and has sorc fcr breakpoints, with enigma teles as fast as a sorc with just a couple wiz spikes on switch. WW has no synergy, so you have tons of points to maximize your hork. So then every elite you kill has about ~70% to drop loot a second time. You can weapon switc...
bivdog: I saw Phil make a 0 MF Lightning Fury Javazon, so I made a 0 MF Lightning Fury Javazon ZikFrekTor: Can we drop all unique and high rune from cow hell? Healcannon: I still wish the updated Amazon looked better. But Phil got me back into playing d2 and its been a blast playing single player and finding stuff on my own and building up my blizzard/orb sorc. Made my first CTA yesterday. I'm looking at making an Amazon next eventually to hopefully help torch farming and all that jazz. DarkMedic11: I get D2 is an old game but it's weird to consistently see you post videos about builds that the playthrough channels have recently played through. GStaxxx86: I have always preferred t strokes over titans. The minus light res and attack speed always wins me over. smalps-gaming: GG Setup ...
Diablo 2 ACT.2 AI Movie Trailer Cinematic Nov 06 2024jahmed525: Oh my God that was freaking amazing. Absolutely stunning. Cannot wait for Act 3. Balliatiiviska: would love to see Arcane Sanctuary 쵸쵸키치: 퀄리티 미쳤다... 계속 만들어주세요 jayyacan691: Where is Drognan, Meshif and Elzix? thrillofthevoid3: 아트마 눈ㄴ나.. 이정원-l1q: 디아블로 진짜 넷플이나 뭐든 미드처럼 좀 나왔으면 이런 퀄리티에ㅜㅠ kangsikseo7775: I can’t wait for Act 3 and 4 lqdlqd1385: Superb min7301: 역시 캬아.....따봉입니다!!! sylvainh2o: Wow beautiful! I would love to play a Diablo2 MMO :P rivenoak: yay looks stunning
Gilazel: Steel: "Did you just call me a moron?" Ziz "Yes, what are u gonna do about it ?" Steel: having to remain silent cuz he enjoys having a roof over his head scottcampbell9456: It's just fun watching 2 friends play a game together. Be well my dudes. Enzorn84: You guys should try a run through of D2R Remodded now that it has TCP/IP. Calymos: How can we play PD2 if we don't already own D2 LoD when Blizzard doesn't sell them anymore? Cuz D2R doesn't work, lol. Do we have to eBay a CD so we can get a CD Key? Or...? benjamincl2409: This mod so good. Devs team is amazing :D lolleonlolable: nico nico nico nieeeeeeeeee nico nieeeeeeeeeeeeee lubomirgenov4346: If you havent try it.. Give a Median XL - probably the best diablo 2 mod tictacterminator: this dudes voice sounds ridiculou...
TB-vq5ie: A new Smalps upload, gonna be a good day ln8496: Ive found playing on console keeping my cube on the right wastes an insane amount of time because you cant change cursor speed on controller kristopherleslie8343: Excellent video as always my bro mamajingmemes0241: Javazon slapsss alexrichardson4376: How the hell is your CS damage so high? I have mostly the same setup with the same skill points in CS and mine is like 7,200. nguyennam1945: Low damage Infinity kinda sad, Javazon barely ever touch Doll anyway sadist2core: Hit 99 this season ? kristopherleslie8343: But can you delete P1024! UnreliableUsername: Never even crossed my mind to make a low damage infinity for a merc but it makes sense! Slayersaints: I’m using act 5 merc with eth head striker and a plague pretty...
jet2135: When fans and enthusiasts care about the game more than current Blizzard itself. Great review SimplyAshen: Funny to see PD2 mentioned on a PoE channel, since PD2's "parent" mod is called Path of Diablo and was made by Greendude who came from PoE way back in the day. It's been a long ride but all the modders are doing god's work. And hell it's worth it! neuro1921: Played it when i was a kid so much that i almost fcked up school xD now playing it with my son since friday .... this mod makes d2 almost perfect! slackergeek2007: Man, I love those indicators above the potion slots to show how many you have in that belt slot Backpackrides: A shame D4 didn't just use the same rune system. Also man I miss when arpgs made chest exciting to open. julian_qc: Like this to interact for e...
Summon Only Druid D2R HC 1 to Hell Nov 03 2024daveduong8022: Bro casually touched an armor stand and got a unique Embossed plate. sidneyblakemore2118: The random Starcraft sound effects are the best. zink8841: Woke and 3 beers in and get to watch a new video. Love Yous piyaroq8189: Yay! Finally, another player playing Druid summon. …and another yay for the editing. mrviral8436: MAN I LOVE THIS!!! "OUH LUM RUNE!!!" man this kills me all the time. so funny and symphatisch together. i enjoy all your videos and i hope you have better and better end endless ideas! Thanks bro! Keep doing! i support you! thenuclearrabbit: Ok I really need to replay this one. Well done. GG Matthew-FG6: Zoo Keeper is one of my favorite builds. You just sit back and relax as the zoo kills everything. Many runs i don't even shoot my bow. Great vid loo...
Can the Rogue Mercenary Beat Diablo 2? Nov 01 2024Diskoblastula: Zarfen is my favorite diablo anime girl. ____GoMeZ____: Amplisa: " Man this mercenary AI sucks! He doesn't even attack!" lol Sara.Space.H: Amplisa fan here! Wooo! Also good job - I wouldn't have the patience for this. norijagar: Dude, I can't believe you did it. I've put somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 hours into Diablo 2 over the last 20 years (I'll never know exactly) and I never once imaged something like this would be possible. Kudos to you my friend. Well earned. megadeth116: Loved how you sent Amplisa for retirement and recuited Amplisa instead darianclark3980: Seer Hammerite: "potions and patience" That's a good Mantra for Zarfen challenge runs. If you ever sell merch, that should be on a shirt. Rosielx: Amplisa froze and destroyed Baal's body, what a...
Season 10 PD2 Recommended Starters Strats For Each! All Classes! Get Rich In PD2 Your Way! Nov 01 2024sean78745: Dudes been putting out maximum effort every season. He streamed like 14 hours a couple days ago then put out like 10 hours today just to get this tier list recorded after a ton of testing. Good shit man TrickyRickyStern: You make the PD2 launch every season. There’s almost zero content creators on YouTube, please keep up the work of the dads out here trying to figure out how to be as efficient as possible in the time available. For people looking for build specific videos, check out his twitch streams where he tests and builds each class, they taught me a shit ton on a game I’ve played since 2000 that I bought with birthday money at Best Buy PD2-Videos: See you in 16 hours JodsLife1: incredible guides once again! kennykwong1028: I just realized I didnt use shako the...
sean78745: A Pd2 build without infinity? Me like KordeshGaming: Very high quality. Thanks for the guide! gustavobarbosa9799: I could melee horazon's maps all day. PD2 is amazing. I can't decide between this build and vengeance. Nice video. sabbathViKing: Hi, what kind of shader do you use? your game looks so much better then mine. TopSecretGG: Ahhh, the Kvothedin! haiiro1757: Are those new skills? Joust and holy sword? o0kv9: First, happy to see you uploading! dwarfstar5635: But Slayer is an Poe Ascendancy. trevorlewis24: Thank you bro!! Thank you for including the leveling options :) I am 6-8 season sorc main with a few barb seasons.. I am going all in on Paladin this season so all this knowledge is so useful! I got a lot of small bits to learn!
embepoint6633: yoooo, nice too have you back, lad. I realy looking forward for your pala this season and how your gear will look like in the end. hyyyype! ranchlingger: Looks like you're off to a good start! Can you show off your build again when you respec to holy freeze sacrifice? I'm interest in seeing it, I also started with a pally using holy bolt and also plan to switch to sacrifice later PJJ196: Glad to see you back, stoked to see the new trophies this season will bring bro trevorlewis24: thank you for sharing this! gives me a good idea of what to work towards :) idkt6480: excited to start my season today! Lets go enph. Natemc111: WB! Looking forward to see this build maxed. urf47: Hey Enpherno :D i started the same build without know if it's good or not, good to see a video...
LeoReo88: Why are my comments getting deleted? Edit: I just commented that there are tons of games exactly similar to this one on play store for mobile gaming....and youtube just keeps deleting my comment! charlie15627: It needs a lot added Magazine size - Magnets - Enemy variety - Final Boss - more pick up variety and more. CasMullac: Starship Scramble! I think you’d enjoy it, the depth of upgrades and loot seems interesting. NathansWargames: Looks like survivors of the dawn kinda but with a different art style Brunnen_Gee: Hellgate London bullet hell. ShadowMorg: Thanks for the video. I really like the graphics, animations, music and enemies. Hopefully they will add a lot more with full release. donaldcedar7574: I think it would have been better to rotate counter clockwise wi...
Season 10 Project Diablo 2 Tier ListInfographic InDepth Video! All Classes 110 Builds Tested! Oct 31 2024LiFsWo: Hardest working PD2 content creator. liquorking2327: DH PD2 GOAT Keithy-om4qv: Awesome man. Your tierlist is a massive part of the pre reset hype! Enjoyed the stream. Have a good season Versmite: They balanced it so well and idk what class should i play. vindo8822: Perfect 6h podcast for work
A Completely NEW Diablo 2 Build !!! Oct 30 2024JeffS21: Really been enjoying D2R: Reimagined since I saw your first video of it. Just ended up getting bored with the same old same old in D2R and hadn't played in over a year. Reimagined really breathes new life into the game and made it enjoyable again, just my personal opinion. r3niferx: This mod is too easy, you can reroll runewords in the cube only with scroll of tp, I also have a -99 cold res helmet, and a -99% lighting res belt and even P8 feels like walk in the park. Try BTDiablo, it's better AxeMain: Haven't played Diablo in years, but it's still fun to watch videos on them. Wasting $70 on the trash that is D4 just soured me to the franchise as a whole, but D2 and its community still has my respect. maritogs88a: Seems like an upgraded version of your old destruction runeword...
lolleonlolable: dude lots of ppl dont even give this mod a real chance because of the graphics and ur out her zooming in on it and make it seem even worse than it is in a 4k vid lol. phailpoet1651: I always see this build recommendations but where can the newer peeps get some build help? Christoff070: Sac pally is risky for hc, had several die last season, even with holy freeze u can still joust near a fanatacism archer pack since the range of holy freeze is relatively small and get wrecked. Wouldn't recommend for hc unless youve played pally before ignorant12: Everything is fine and dandy. Although it would be more interesting to have builds that you completed the game with, not the end game. Honestly, after completing the game, I try a character again with another one or the same on...
DanM12332: I really think being in Hardcore is the craziest part of the challenge. You have to be alert and paying attention almost always. The whole character can just end at any split second. One bad teleport.... Awesome video as always! conansmight1703: This Holy Grail 2.0 series is like crack. Amazing, loving it. olegstadnik2178: Damn D2 rune drops give way more dopamine than any of D4 items. Great video again ty! PJ-pv8nd: man i usually browse around on like 100 different things while on my computer but as soon as i notice ilovemf dropped a new video i just instantly dont give a fuck about anything else anymore lol. i cant remember being this hyped about any youtube channel ever. your content has been fire for years bro and today was no different user-ve9qo8on3z: My guy deadass...
Diablo 2 ACT.1 AI Movie Trailer Cinematic Oct 28 2024Jokermaniak: Akara was an old woman, was she not? jmoney4579: I hope you do all 5 acts. This was very cool! Lin3r: where is gheeds ? Shazeen82: Fun fact: Blood Raven is the Rouge from Diablo one maxosuszek4447: Super cool!! Can't wait for the next one min7301: 찰시가 바바리안 계통이라니 덩치 좀 키웠으면 하는 아쉬움?! 기드 안나와서 섭섭하겠는데요 콜드플레인 입구 지키는 플레이비도 추가 되었으면 하기도 ㅎㅎ 너무 잘만드셔서 뭔가 더 보고 싶어져서 몇자 적었습니다. 다시 말씀드리지만 영상 너무 좋고 멋있습니다!! min7301: 너무 멋져서 계속 봤습니다 좋아요 ㄱㄱ 다음편도 기대합니다 Gamevideoswatching-bn4rx: Too good, fricken amazing nicholastrickel6917: This is...
SUB 3 IS DONE! HELL PALADIN SPEEDRUN WORLD RECORD 25224 IGT 30023 RTA DIABLO 2 RESURRECTED Oct 28 2024Mattronymic: another day another Kano WR run. Speed. Speed. Speed. Edit: I also like that Kano decided to pick up gold in baal fight even though he didn't need it. Frank-197: Have a nice vacation LittleRedRubberDuck: You are a machine! Gz on yet another record, have a great vacation :D lawrencebacosa7444: the second spirit runes just randomly dropping is insane glitchedpixelscriticaldamage: x_x' tbh , i do not know man, watching you play and doing these speedruns, i feel like i was playing the game in a wrong way this whole time. GG. jeffpayne9655: A cool quest idea would be that you rescue three act 3 mercenaries and you can pick one to follow you. That way you don't have to pay for the first one. SebastianBohn: Setting a benchmark just before vacation. Nice one, mate. Now Llam...
choppero21: the fact to you killed duriel in 5 seconds on normal kinda shows how the mod is busted juanitoxin: Awesome to see you try D2R, I think it's an amazing ARPG and was suprised you'd never tried it considering you love for the genre. I would have liked to see you play the unmodded version so you can see the pros and cons of the game better, even tho durabilty and stamina are not really that annoying in that game. Looking forward to see you overcome the struggle of Hell difficulty! pedrodomingues1553: Story at the beginning just gold. Going to stores and sitting there picking a game just so pure. asdasdasddify: modded d2 is not d2 ._. ynstynct: beat the game on vanilla classic hardcore wtf is that mod dog luhcsgrimm8857: Love d2. Modsing it does very much change the core of ...
Smite Only Paladin D2R HC 1 to Hell Oct 27 2024JazzyCake15: You should have done Ubers! ;) perfect build for it! Love the vids devorrio2: I don't even play this game but I stumbled upon your videos. The reason I keep binge watching them is because of your accent. There is something in your voice when you find a drop that you like or you're surprised. Is like watching a kid getting candy but only he's Korean. Thank you my friend, I appreciate your enthusiasm...... And now I just realised that we don't watch for the games or topics themselves, but for the emotion and trueness of the heart. Swabian90: i loved the escape - oh greed - escape - logout xD PawaW05K: Nightmare vex whaaaat horatiuromantic: from the title / captain KOREA I know this is gonna be a banger of a video murphvienna1: Hel ya! Let's Ko!!! BumstiLP: just to ment...