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Diablo 2 Guide

  • EmpSilWolf: My friend who has been playing a poison necro since LOD always runs trangs head, belt, and gloves since 3 pieces gives you -25 psn res on head as well as the gloves. This makes all psn immunes not immune pre-LOD except the vipers in the halls of the caught. With sunders this doesn't matter much, but for a psn necro it does help a bit. Obviously, that includes p dweb and max lower res. The three pieces help for negative psn res. smalps-gaming: Raining LEMS! GStaxxx86: That beard game shout out tho solarpowder962: Guess who yesterday found his first unique Sacred Armor ever (HC Single Player). And guess who got insanely lucky with the Tyraels Might 1/9 roll chainsaw2010: Windhammer is great as a iron golem GStaxxx86: I came here for the baby face ezplayzd2414: Finally ...
  • leper4602: Nice that you are back! neo6289: 6 months later dang thanks! neuro1921: Kicksin non stop "UAH, JAH, UAH, YAH, UHA ....." is such a horrible design, im not sure how poeple even think abot playing it :p. rockemen85: that necro summeon looks really fun and strong, other that look's nice for me are druids builds. Great job thanks for your work :) Got some things to think about. ElKokiDio: My mother, her sister and me are going to play the fire golems DrAwesomeTBM: cant wait for S10 Chris-qj8ms: tomorrow is going to be wild Gojko1950: Have a feeling youll go for a kicksin, great vid thanks a lot. Chris-qj8ms: Fire barb here i come! tyrantcr: Love that vortex shield find at the end lol! The magic of d2 such quirky things to find daarmy1: nice video and builds! :)
  • Devilchylde: That like a perfect roll on everything but ethereal. That’s the saddest thing ever jynx5616: Probably fake. Every video he uses hero editor. You can even see the sneaky edit. zachkoa: That is depressing blitzdabs7104: Guess im using them until im not lol. Thats some horrible luck on that last mod lol. anhuc7340: Mắt không thấy tim không đau :) stevelobs6601: Come on what the odds of this. tanatos9959: I feel u man omydoggdogg16: No way andrewhamm2800: Trash
  • bartoszmroz4943: Byś w końcu do DS3 zrobił wojciechgiza9277: Lajk i komentarz dla algorytmu wojciechgiza9277: Oby więcej własnych materiałów! Essa mattego14: hammerem bylo grac lepsze aoe miloszlesniak2799: Jaka nazwa moda? Fahr86konin: Warto kupić ressurected ? PreluD777: Ja robie swietego grala paladynem od jakis 3 tyg. Narazie 52 % fajnie sie gra gram raz hamerem raz fohem zaleznie od terror zony gabs1919: Dzięki słodki za poradnik, w końcu przejdę porządnie damiankrol9942: 14 godzin z diablo 2 patrzę co na sen a tu kiszunio zapodał prawie 2h diablo 2. Wybornie jakubkalbarczyk: Odpalam dzisiaj Diablo po pracy
  • IqarP15: Need to drop that camera about foot lower for Andariel's chest... huzzeinstrife9760: Bro, final fantasy 7, and dark souls 1, and bloodborne, and all gameeees this chanel is a best chanel all youtube omg, im blassed for see this patrickc5448: Good concept, it would be great to see a full blown movie or series about it TomaszCzekaj-t4h: The quality of ai movies are better and better. Can't wait untill someone do with this technology a full film. zorg6020: Просто легендарная игра, открывшая эпоху РПГ игр, ставшая законодателем и эталоном жанра. Все кто пришел после нее либо были попыткой посягнуть на ее трон, либо свергнуть ее, но н...
  • paytoncollins1533: Its a good day when you wake up to a 7 hour kano upload Frank-197: It was a pleasure to watch all your 1 to ubers. Such intensive inspiring content…thank you so much! LittleRedRubberDuck: Wow another record completed, leaving no room for other competitors on the scoreboard! Gz SebastianBohn: Congrats mate, nice finish. Legendary achievement. It was a bit funny over these runs to see similar troll situations reappearing. Example: missing tele staff when baby caged Alcyone65: gg and congrats! Fosuya: How do you tell which tal tomb to go to? nzrprt6366: Belt! JGComments: Never really done any speed running or SSF but I’m doing a challenge with some friends. 4 hours in and I’m still in Normal and realizing I’m embarrassingly slow.
  • konradbondziorno166: Wrzuć każdą postać po kolei w kolejnych łolktru, proponuje baraburiana jako nastepnego. Pozdrawiam geest0ney: Wirt oddaj nogie wojciechgiza9277: Lajkować żeby było więcej takich materiałów Dryjasek: Zupełnie inaczej wyglądają te krowy niż w D2 LOD. Jakieś takie są bardziej zgarbione i przypakowane. Przypominają mi trochę byka mlodydm: Dzięki za poradnik, mi sie podoba kaczor918: Po chuj remasterowac dzwieki w tej grze. a few moments later - zajebiste dżwięki wydają te kozy :D Ype: To mi się podoba, za diablo 2 zawsze plusik xyzzyx4820: Wszystko fajnie pieknie, ale czemu maxujesz wigor przed koncetrancja? 3m się i czekam na hell sytusytowy7596: Jak zrobić dobrego Druida pod zmiekszczałtość ?
  • TheDarkOneSC2: Blizzard doesnt want to implement any QoL because they hate the fact that many players find this game superior compared to d3 and d4 Afura33: Can't believe D2R still has no loot filter. Reimagined and ReMoDDed are the two best mods imo, ReMoDDeD has even tcp/ip now
  • kolebuscher5733: Blizzard North was truly the greatest of all time. Sistik123: I sure dont miss iron maiden in chaos sanctuary though. lukespowerhouse: In early versions of classic you had a chance to get an SoJ from Akara for rescuing Cain. Also it had no level requirement or item level so you could even get one in normal. Marine_Dynamite: I got flashback of my paladin casting 20 hit zeal and missing every hit dmagick914: I remember pre expansion everyone played Whirlwind Barbarian with a rare Lance, Martel de Fer, or Bec-De-Corbin and an Ornate Plate (this was before elite items existed) The Martel de Fer was especially good because it was 3x2 instead of 4x2, so a rare could be rerolled in the cube with 6 Perfect Skulls (these were currency before runes). Rerolling with this recip...
  • gorba4ef: I'd rather if you could cube 3 of them to reroll a torch so I don't have 9 druid torches from 15 runs. Edit: a temporary XP gained boost when "consumed" like some people mentioned is also nice and simple izeekio: I remember people back in the day saying Blizzard was going to make the standard of heros prevent experience loss on death starting at level 90. I like that idea, but have it disappear if you do die, so it becomes worth having more than 1 on hand. Not sure how to make that useful in hardcore mode though thegrimace1041: What if it was part of a crafting recipe that allows you to reroll the variable stats on a unique item? smalps-gaming: Id like to see 4x standard of heros in the cube with an item will give max sockets. This game needs a better way to get more socket...
  • teh1tronner: I definitely recommend a muling program for inventory management. It keeps your character list clean and allows you to check what items you have without needing to boot up the game. bishop5116: Awesome video Phil, currently working on my own grail. It's been on and off for about 2 years now and the biggest thing that keeps me going is just taking breaks when I need. Part of what's wonderful about this game and keeps me coming back is how consistently fun the game is. Especially offline, there's no point burning yourself out when you're not racing anyone. Take your time, chill, and if you find yourself getting burnt out, take a break until you're excited to play the game again. Thanks for all the awesome content over the years, makes farming LK bearable! You're the best D2 ...
  • Myrmexx: So what exactly is insane? This clickbait is insane rofl ... GC_Rallo: Absorb only absorbs to your health pool, Energy Shield doesn't redirect absorb to your mana pool when it's active or anything. So the most important things are raising your ES skill for the dmg reduction, getting dmg reduction from gear, and getting the highest mana pool you possibly can(mana regen is nice as well but doesn't usually make the difference in a fight.) Basically absorb is only kicking in once the shield is down, at which point you're basically fucked already, so it's not of much use to an ES sorc. jamesseager8126: Meditation and cleansing syngrieze with prayer. No prayer no synergy smalps-gaming: This has been done on the “immortal sorc” It utilizes max ES and high MDR and PDR to almos...
  • asdsadsaddffg: Kiedy poradnik do ds3? ukkirot8264: dostaliśmy poradnik do diablo 2 szybciej niż poradnik do ds3 trepanator6: Dzięki za ten film. Mała przypierdółka (musi być) - Melee czytamy albo (fonetycznie ale prymitywnie podam) mele albo zależnie od regionu meile albo melej ale nie mili, meli ani inne tego typu warianty kamils8273jejsjeaikchkw: Najlepszą częścią każdej gry jest odkrycie samemu jak ją przejść, ale rozumiem, że niektórzy mogą potrzebować takich poradników. karoozel3335: A ja myślałem że jako tako znam się na graniu w D2 Arcipellaggio: Bardzo ładnie, dzięki temu materiału, żech dowiedział się, że Kryszak wie bardzo dużo na temat 20 letniej gry. Cool cool cool dyro2055: O, wkoncu na nie zajebanym kontencie. Brawo! V1lkas: oglą...
  • gergonagy7730: 8 hours. You would say its a lot of playing. Man, doing this on HC would take weeks or months for the average player! LittleRedRubberDuck: My god you are cranking these out none-stop, gz once again! :D StarZoo: Uhh I will watch over the next few days. Necro is my favourite character Mil0801: Saw it live crazy SeeYouInHeeLL: nice video StarZoo: When do we get the P8 ubers paladin run? I am in Styx1980: saw this live, amazing run :) and you were so tired haha ShinosukeKabb: Next Level Play Kano !! GG
  • oblivix1: Looter, Nuclear Rabbit, and Zarfen the loot goblin are the 3 best thing d2 community ever had
  • BobTheBuilder27734: YES, FINALLY A NEW VIDEO!! looter_game: I open the YT App and Zarfen on top OMG 1 min before?? 91CEO: That last Kelpie Snare honourable mention at the end got me laughing. Gold comedy and great video as always! bahur47: I watched a good portion of the live streams but seeing the whole thing summarized was pretty cool. Good job and hopefully we will get some more soon. jonathanarie2813: Is druid the best character? Yes. Yes it is. Its not about hitting your tornadoes, its about casting enough tornadoes that you end up not caring that 95% of them miss. brett4932: Considering this can be done with blue items, the answer is yes. Easily. romaivanov7801: That Kelpie snare made me subscribe! Gj Kelpie! And Shako ofc SlimePunkGaming: That shout out at the end was pea...
  • KlausMingo: What you gonna do with 30 Pul runes? Nothing, just look at them and appreciate their beauty. notjoshbrolin8744: He used the stones to destroy the stones Naoyoy: Not the existential transcending experience mid-video lmao. Insightful video MrKingdeuce: You really hit it right! I think why it's so hard to cube all the runes up is because each one of those is an individual memory you had. Every one of those runes you stop what you're doing to pick up. By cubing them it's almost like that moment is gone and it never happened anymore. Even though what really happened is you used those moments(runes) to create a new moment(rune). JoelChenFa: exact with hero edit number of gems? FlawlessRythym: Man. That's a hell of a grind for all that. I suppose it's totally worth it on singl...
  • raynibbs4679: Sorry Llama, but I paid full price for D4, and will never play it again. I dislike everything about it. I think my bias against Activision plays into it.. I played the VERY first Activision games, and watched them evolve. I KNEW what they were going to do to D3 then WOW when they bought BLIZZ. They did not disappoint. Peace brother! MrGreenStaff01: I wasn't able to watch live, but I like seeing the switch up from Paladin, just wanted to say that and thanks for all the content! procow2274: I didn't see the fish mentioned in the title larseunic: D2 is an amazing game, I wish blizzard wasn't garbage and added some needed qol to the game (storage, loot filter...) timweyland3461: I'm typing this comment hoping your title means you started this video then said nvm d2 is bett...
  • pires11d: Have you seen that Dbrunski is back from the dead? Someone cubed his leg with a scroll of town portal and brought him back to D2R streaming nafzee: MDR applies to each type of element separately, so an attack dealing 20 magic, 20 fire, 20 lightning, and 20 cold damage would deal no damage if MDR is 20, quite toad i must say. When an attack deals both magic/elemental and physical damage, and Magic Damage Reduction (MDR) is higher than the magic damage, the excess MDR is applied to the physical damage after Damage Resist (DR) is calculated. So this is good for a melee boi that is say lightning enchanted. For example, an attack dealing 100 physical, 50 fire, 50 lightning, and 50 cold damage to a target with 100 MDR and 50% DR would result in no fire, lightning, or cold damage ...
  • PringlesCan-y7m: D4 still bad erikfrantz3580: Always heard you need to put 2 hard points into iron golem or his thorns aura wont be active with only 1 point. your_eulogy2688: Nova necro definitely my favorite build D2MMA: You use Corpse explosion over the poison explosion that is already maxed due to being a synergie? iantru9929: If they made d4 loot system like d2 ,it woukd be an instant hit. weedman1898: Haha i was lloking for a poison necro build guide and fell on this video its only 10hours ago XD one of ur goodesst videos ryanhatzenbeller4327: They still think the player base plays until sun up ryanhatzenbeller4327: Lets GOOOO FangFrenzy: First here baby!
  • kacperkruk6348: Best d2r content tomastesar5569: Always looting forward to this! Thank you! thenuclearrabbit: No wonder we went without a looter video for over 20 minutes. This is such a long run haha. GG Congrats and well done :) danielcury9111: Editing is getting better and better! Great content! Looking forward for the next video! Creech138: #1 channel for D2R let’s gooo we love looter Luke-tg9jy: Looter, your videos are in my top 3 looked forward videos a week! And I couldn't even tell the names of the other two. arhmw4936ify: I appreciate you doing all of the things I always wanted to do but knew were bad ideas. You save me 20 hours 20 minutes at a time Wire1337: For someone that is Korean and speaks this good English and makes this good content, I am planning on watching...
  • ScottieKnowz: The creator of the Reimagined Mod here... Thank you so much for the kind words and I'm glad I was able to reignite that flame in your heart for D2 Looking forward to seeing what you accomplish with the mod and what suggestions/feedback you may have. Thanks again for all the support
  • actuallyprosy: Back when they didn't expect people to spend their entire lives playing their game maxpower2511: One good thing about 1.03 is that you could gamble SoJs easy. If you had a manald and a nagle, the game did not allow those items to drop, so the only unique ring you could get are SOJs. We used to spend nights gambling and hoarding SOJs Organdonator: Pre patch 1.10 was an entirely different game. Fewer runewords (many added in 1.09 though), no respecs, and no synergies. I miss the old necromancer summoner army, was fun tonhave 25 skeletons, 2t mages, 25 revives and a golem. And game handled it with no fps drop. 7DragonEyes7: They removed the Thief attribute (the one that makes mobs drop potions from your belt) because it was super buggy and often made your game crash. jpm...
  • griffincrowley1349: Bahahaha "the only thing i was f**king was stupid" i laughed so hard griffincrowley1349: Woooo fresh Nuclear Rabbit content! dr_dusk_phd8957: Amazing video. Loved the edit commentary too. You somehow make watching the same game I’ve seen beaten time and again, always interesting. Super glad your 1v1 vs the Loot Goblin introduces me to your stuff! Mangs1337: This was amazing. BlackMercy-it1jp: "Ber runes are trash" is a sentence I thought I would never hear. Awesome video btw and you have inspired me to make a P8 no vitality Summoner Necro (not a hardcore one though as that is pure insanity) victoriancu5661: If you want to shit your pants playing hardcore, why not play on an older patch where the oblivion knights cast iron maiden Morninglightwga: Amazing! Balls...
  • mikec3749: PD2 with d2r graphics would be very nice. darkooo94: Project Diablo 2 Resurrected would be the peak of a Diablo franchise. kaikash: Oh my god yesssssss. Project d2 was absolutely amazing. If we get pd2R I may be playing for another 10 years. BobChiller: PD2 D2R is all I want. meatbasedvegan4859: I just want a D2R expansion. Act6, new class, new uniques. mr_proctober2032: If blizzard isn't going to update the game, they should let the modders have at it. We all bought it. Let us have some fun clon8888: PD2 in D2R graphic will be as good as POE2. malcolmabbott2910: MedianXL on D2R graphics of course AlexPEiras: MedianXL port would be craaazy. Man, I would pay some money for that. Gregski3: Pd2 in d2r graphics, good exonomy, lots of people trading, no bots.. diacor4lif...
  • LucasMagriniRigo: Imbue was a surprise for me zlatanmorrison8182: 3 TAL runes for poison damage in the triple socket wirts leg? would that not have been the most 'bang for buck' as it were? Ultimate-Technology-Solutions: Never noticed your logo in the globes before, nice touch. Ultimate-Technology-Solutions: I thought 'beating D2R' meant going through hell? Hot_Devil777: It's kind of sad Content creators using AI generated art thumbnails bk9696338: i guess all you need is just a 3-sockets leg with Tal Tal Tal added for the normal difficulty. Ultimate-Technology-Solutions: Next time drop a point into howl so you can focus one target at a time (at Izual normal for example) EnriqueC71: Holy smokes. I would have never thought of using it. Haha your content is very good, keep it up l...
  • kabruzoeldanto8671: Great videos, but we want another video of gameplay and further character build. This is like the first episode. Where is episode 5? How come you don't have higher quality on your videos? alexwai7204: though trap sin is base on IAS instead of FCR fadwen88: I was so confused where you got the first Ber rune, was it in the video? matafakaa: Great video! Why not infinity in stronger base if its for merc? shanezoerb7678: Why is P amethyst worth so much? bradleybarker4833: Wow dude u coulda got enigma and infinity plus more dor that 15/15 rzeczoznawca89: Try find all stuff without trading David-tq2cm: this video is so epic! and nice reach my friend glad to see u getting bigger!! sneakydoc: Liking these videos. How many hours a day are you grinding? aleksandarhris...
  • deaDParrot88: WE"RE FINALLY GETTING D3!!!!!!!!!!!! maxschwediauer9808: I played d2 since day one until today. Once you get used to the poe1 systems it will be superior to d2. I swear. I love those 2 games but poe1 is a step up. D4 bad ThePepe969: I bet you'll learn to love PoE's itemization. It's essentially D2's but even more interesting, and D2 itemization was hard to beat. One of the thing that most modern ARPGs fail to do. nathanbustamante1525: I love to see the inspiration from diablo 2. Everything Jonathan says about the game just makes me more excited. anthonydo2933: This is better content than POE2 youtubers rubisco5997: I never played diablo 2, but this was a really cool video! Can't wait to play poe 2 zineD3: As someone who played a lot of Diablo 2, some Diablo 3 & Diablo...
  • ahchin89: good one mate ! please post more d2r videos, HC player here as well =) CarloRossiTheGreat: You should have more subs this is good stuff KingJerbear: Banger man, I just started a Single Player adventure on D2R and decided to roll a Sin first. I miss the aspect of trading but when I play on ladder 99% of the time it's just me getting frustrated trying to find the bosses to kill lol edit: Thanks for the "realistic" idea of what this build is like to play. My end goal is to farm my own Mosiac build to play and it's important how you pointed out how the playstyle is all gas, no brakes xlatheblackdragon705: Well this was a helluva run with all the drops and funny commentaries and nicely planned progression. Thanks! All hail Necronomicon the Leech King! TruongMinh2911: Yeah, lov...
  • ApathyBM: Eth Stormlash is max swag for a kicker. Best drop this vid NasamaPeepo: How are you even able to play the game? It keeps saying "Cannot Connect To Server" anytime I try to play online. ollis.7386: Which diffuculty ist this ? Players 7 streetsweeper86: Love the Final Fantasy victory music on the Maras find hahaha. RickBomhof: Hi Phil, with Buriza-do Kyanon, you can just pronounce that as Blizzard Cannon. Its basically the Japanese pronunciation of that. SquantoShinyShorts: Lol I said "no f'ing way" out loud at that first drop. WOW davidsawyers8754: Need to move chat box. It was over the items in the cube and could not see the loot gamertyper6476: god I hate firewall, such a shit ability with high damage. neelb7168: Phil your soj self pep talks crack me up skunkape3284:...
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