Diablo 2 Guide
kacperkruk6348: Dude i love your videos. Most entertaining d2r content on YouTube NateBrotzman: Dude has infinite bonesnap mod on, I’m sure Shabanezloth: Daily dose of vitamin woah acquired zlatanmorrison8182: Bonesnap was a clutch 'hork' :) Creech138: Looter is my new fave D2 channel. Best challenge vids love it keep em coming KhrissStanKhanFanboi: You should try the REAL auradin. You can only use aura dmg, no autoattacks, no skill damage, no poison/explosive bottles. Of course you can hit monsters until lvl 6. You can try to mix thorns with holy auras or something like that. You can also use merc and he can do damage. Might be fun :D wL4inurf4ce: You were using potions which didnt drop from corpses Lincolnzz: Look forward to your videos! I know they gotta be a ton of work, t...
VRDiablo: BAMS HAD ME PLAYING AGAINST SOME SWEATY AHH BOYS Secondary-so2bu: You gottA OIL UP Eirlooms: Really good video Bams as always innovating cod content GhostedSn1p3z: Bams and Diablo went crazy this video -Time to oil up buddy edited ARCN: GGs my sweet delicious prince, you and diablo are them
DIABLO 2 HELL RAINBOW DRUID !llamarpg !rainbow Aug 10 2024MrKingbowd: This will be the character to find a Zod rune for sure. anna-joipayawal5620: Cute ocierotering: This was beautiful! I will be looking forward to your new releases! SimonneBoutwell-l7g: Very good choice of topic, thanks for the interesting videos! Inez-z8i8i: Ho quell'età in cui la mia idea di notte selvaggia consiste nel fare un pisolino senza mettere la sveglia
This is Doubly AbSURd!!!! Diablo 2 Zod Challenge Aug 09 2024amfitness5598: Why is he filming this at an Applebees TalicZealot: That mosaic is really pushing the limits of H264 wowiwon8828: I'm happy someone is finding HR's ianswett4213: You inspired me to run trav this week solo. Played 3 hours tonight and last night. I found a BK ring, Sur and Lo rune. jmkeff: lol just imagine if you wasnt a Puzzy playing on Easy mode with Training Wheels aka Single player with Players 8 for the mf boost meant for 7 other players to share.. and your maphack aka no random maps that you would have to deal with if you played on Bnet and not single player like a Lazy streamer that probably uses Hero Editor to make build when stream is off kstarler: You Sur, are on fire! You know what would help? Another Ber. Now, Gul find some more runes! StuartHollingsead: T...
Diablo 2 Trav, Cows, LK, OH MY !llamarpg !Zod Aug 07 2024Beazabull: Damn MrLlama got some real baddies following the channel... lol kstarler: I'm so sad that I missed this live stream. So many dad jokes could have been chatted in the first 15 minutes alone! certifiedplay: Comment section no way vincentho3792: Hey Llama. Haven't played in 18 months. Your Ber Jah video got me hyped so I played a couple hours farming keys...got a cham rune in Arcane Sanctuary! I was so hyped....then I remembered it's kinda useless as a high rune :) FlorianaLarkinsns: Your videos are always so interesting and informative! Thank you for this! Theresa-v1d1d: Very interesting and relevant topic! Looking forward to your next video! Maria-l8g8g: Your videos are always so inspiring! Thank you for your energy!
jonathanmoser8976: Ove learned alot from your d2 videos so thank you again for teaching me somthing I didn't know Jabberforce: as soon as the big FoH changes dropped, I thought how can you deal with those animal mobs that are lightning immune? BAM, 1 pt in conv. Worked like a charm user-ds7ll2rt3l: Ginger Gaming Missionary* securatyyy: Would be fun to see an aurabot build and conversion. Only problem would be killing act bosses due to lack of minions. besyuziki: Appreciate your insightful, in depth analyses like this. zehdarian81: Another fascinating lecture from the Professor michaellui5108: Great video jessebishop5239: A very intriguing video, well done sir. steeldragonjovi: GGM is the master! Thanks for sharing your knowledge. PedroJPedro: Watching this it feels like the co...
Diablo 2 MAN VS STREAM HELL BARBARIAN EDITION Aug 05 2024SolarPatrol: I love your man vs stream videos. Such skill to be able to play the game with such handicaps and make it look really easy. Good job! You the man!! xledgeandairyx: Hey Llama I fell asleep but awesome time man! Had a blast! Chop chop chop! KieshaParkison-j5l: Really liked your shooting technique! How did you learn this art? KurtisGebhard-u5i: Very cool! Thank you for your attention to detail! WanArrowood-e5s: Thanks for your openness! How do you plan to develop your channel in the future? GrahamMcgrane-d7t: Your channel is a real discovery for me! Thank you for such videos!
ewannoelkailevi4772: I'm looking for a man in finance, trust fund, six five, blue eyes ... and a Colossus Sword with five sockets! OliverTidball: Crazy good video my guy christophermanabat1934: I been grinding to 99 by forcing terrorized CS. I’ve spent about 24hrs in CS as well on P8 with my nova sorc as well and I’ve gotten zero HRs. My luck must be terrible haha. I should go back to running random terror zones since I was getting more HRs doing that. oldenoughtowatchify: your explanations are quick and to the point for usefulness and provides a lot of information that is useful for a player wondering why you would be interested in the items you think are noteworthy JordanBiserkov: Cool video! I love how the game was trying to give you MF ;-) Gladiator's Bane is also used on...
Diablo 2 30 LETS GOOOOO!! JAH OHM BABY !Zod Aug 03 2024mikeyflaherty4616: I really don’t understand the “you might be on a godly seed” nonsense. Sounds like something me and my buddies believed in at 11 years old back in 2000 before LOD even existed haha viperswhip: I think the AC is broken, haha, sitting next to a heater (your computer). HandicappedMind: 1 its best to get an actual scan tool and watch the sensors... a code can point you in the right direction but its not as simple as COde says this FIX this... ANd depending on many factors.. location and rust.. could be a 1 min job could be hours.
30 Things You Didnt Know About Diablo 2 Aug 01 2024saschakoch1664: So cool to include Xtimus and GGM in this. Much love for all of you still producing content for this lovely game! Xtimus: Peace JaGGeR-: "There's a lot of MFers out there...a lot of Magic-Finders too." - the Top Din andrzejx2139: Recently I got surprised when I discovered that assassin is the only character that doesn't need keys to open locked chests. IllyaTeideman: Went into this thinking there was nothing you could tell me that I didn't already know! Pleasantly surprised, had no idea about the paladin unholy skills brandoom4996: Plz make video on brunski just disappearing with no word said. xPremo_: Ginger Gaming = Top Din Chrisnado91: Not the video we deserved, but the video we needed. drewnibrow8248: The collab with Xtimus and Ginger was rad! TacoTuesday89...
feeblewrk5788: Love the perfect voice match up on those pit chancies jrock3841: Sucks on the low roll for Doom. I had the same experience when I tried to roll Plague. bivdog: Nice call on the facet! troycrosby4834: Sur Phil rune MitchBoudreau-yv3vd: I dig the idea for the Druid man! Thx eh thomassmith9025: What does socket in a cryptic axe? Cyberchild101: Waaaz up!! Mr.Phil ghostpos: yooo 5/5/ cold!!! yezzzz
Diablo 2 OUR LUCK MUST TURN AROUND !Zod Aug 01 2024mikeyflaherty4616: Congrats on those back to back HR’s ! But it was the Jah that really got you out the hole! Well done Llama !! jseney93: I had about that same reaction when i dropped a Jah from a countess minion lol kevingong6905: Dang! Trip to NZ. I’m from NZ and currently live in Wisconsin. You need to eat a crazy amount of NZ meat pies when you’re there. They are…. Incredibly good zman9700: "OUR LUCK MUST TURN AROUND" and it did! demris15: gg... bought damn time KxNGFeel: Hi
Rare items Only Javazon Diablo 2 HC Aug 01 2024stofsk: screaming at my monitor when you sold that rune looter_game: R.I.P Mynmeisjeff: Really enjoy your ssf hc videos man. Great job and thanks Igwi: And again the poor Amazon dies tragically! The best drama series in history) Thanks for another great video) Deathbellows: You said when fighting Andariel that "we can all agree that she is the more toxic person". Do we agree on that? For starters how would you rate her toxic levels? Are we basing this her own poison attack, or the one you afflict on her? Are we using poison amount or poison duration? Or using both, calculating Dps? Are "reduce poison" duration allowed? What about antidote potions? The questions we all wonder sometimes... Tumasch: I see a "idiotic rules run by nukerabbit", I click play khazzzzzz: What’s the st...
Play Dozens of Builds with the EXACT SAME Gear Setup, Absolutely Wrecks Diablo 2 Resurrected Aug 01 2024idlehandshobby: ‘Boning away’ with a ‘castrate ring’ might prove to be fairly difficult MrSachmoe17: Sure, once you have one set of this gear you can do anything. But it's BORING. I wish Blizzard would shake up the meta by making other gear better. SavantAudiosurf: Notification worked! GraciousShyGuy: Excellent and clear, great for getting into other characters and go further with them past normal difficulty, cheers chimrichaldsmd: Skipping the check on the superior sacred armor hurt my soul PickleNick46: And this is my biggest problem with D2, and also the reason the player count is so low. There are only so many viable items and rune words to use. The majority of things you find are completely useless. Getting leveling gear or RWs only last for so long, sometimes less ...
Diablo 2 Finding High Runes !Zod !Star Aug 01 2024whatcubedIlIlIl: I think MrLlama seriously underestimated how hard it is to find runes. He said he thought it would take 20-something hours in one of the first streams to get up to Zod. Spending 5 hours and not finding anything isn't too uncommon. If you just had to play a few hours to get an HR, everyone would have them. If you go on Youtube and Reddit, then everyone seems to have all the high end runewords. But the reality is the wide majority of players never get HRs. Even without the deletes, he'd still be at ~50 hours, and about 10%. This is gonna take way longer than Llama thought it would. twoshake2211: Im a bot bekki-l1h: How do you rate the effectiveness of using animation in your videos? What programs do you use to create animations? Windelhelm: Why do your vods just get...
Diablo 2 HIGH RUNE DAY !Zod Aug 01 2024SNUGandSESOR: When did Mr Llama become so popular with the ladies? These girls are really into D2! Elvetos: Tell me you're gay without telling me you're gay ambrozy0226: Do you recommend to play with PD2? I wonder why you play mostly on D2R if PD2 is so fascinating. Greets from Poland Youtubegrt: Looking forward to following this series for 19.9 more years! ew6230: You are a madman llama, but it's awesome that you have pushed d2 so far ! I wish we had games like this being made again today. mikeyflaherty4616: The new tracker is very interesting! Kinda feel like Ort-Sol is most popular for me so it makes sense ! stevesutton772: Lum Fal Lem? BRUTAL. user-dy2cs5qk9c: Love you llama keep it up oliver2671: I think your luck stat is really working out. Chance for 0.5 Pul rune equals ...
Majky666: Please dont spoil any progress in the thumbnails. I'm following this all and I'm only one hour in the last VOD. Kinda sucks knowing you don't find any runes after this came up. kstarler: Great to see the whole Llama crew at the end! And look, Lily already has bumping the mic down, just like daddy Llama! kovarny88: Wait what stream in saturday? I saw this 1 minute after it ended dekwoo1: Is he ever going to use the last skill points? xzBorn_: Why let people be able to have you drop runes, I dont get it. Unleas you want something to do for a long time i suppose.
blackhawk161616: Ironic, that the god of thunder dies to lightning DaedalusRaistlin: That health! 4..3..29..you really cut it fine sometimes! I can't handle the stress of hardcore, but watching someone else take that stress is fun :D pitecusH: Damn, and it was such a good run, too. Paladin is truly one of the best classes is the game. Also, please kill all monsters before you start looting stuff, I get severe anxiety from fearing you might die while you fiddle around in the cube. Natasreficul6666: More great content, thank you! Every time you character almost dies and you go, "oohhh! OOOHHH!" it cracks me up. So funny! alexanderternerot9998: Actually it is TOR, the english TH sound is not how he is pronounced in nordic mythology! :) astritdvorani4498: Man I was getting my kid to ...
It Finally Happened... Diablo 2 Resurrected Jul 30 2024WiFi314: I don't play much anymore, but as a lifelong fan of D2, quality memes, and banging soundtracks, these videos make me so happy. Like, I could never play again and I would still come for these videos just for the sheer wholesome dopamine bumps. You're a legend and a scholar. itz_x_salvation395: Definitely the most I've ever seen an item sell for in my entire life of d2. Mattiis88: I love that you went in and gave away a Enigma and those Jah runes! Its so awsome! I remember how happy i was when someone gave me stuff when i started the ladder very late and had nothing but p-topas in helm and armor and spirit. It was the best day ever and i played so much more when i knew i didnt have to farm the early items. I remember i got a shako, some runes and other stuff. After that when...
newston1334: Есть лор про раканишу: Падших, встреченных в Хандурасе, до сих пор можно услышать, как они выкрикивают имя могущественного вождя в качестве боевого клича, когда бросаются в бой, даже несмотря на то, что этот вождь давно мертв. Таким образом, кажется, что демоны не отличаются от людей, поскольку мы также носим имена старых героев и чемпионов. " - Лорат Нар Раканишу был особенно жесток, его боялись и, возможно, даже уважали среди се�...
GGMentor: Keep SLAYIN!! d8l835: I think they tweaked terrorized Andy and Meph drops. Im not getting anything from them for weeks kolebuscher5733: Fastest loot showcase in the West! Gg Phil! willoneill9725: Great video! However missing you're voice over. (Don't want to read lol) dee634: OGREEEEE MAUL JeremysRants: Not one good item lol frustrationlivesey7477: crap martymarescobar: I like how you did that pj7308: Thought this was a short video for a second GxNi4234: Shaftstop is king.
LOST MY VOICE Diablo 2 !Zod Challenge !Star Jul 28 2024kylejcwagner: I just dropped my first Zod ever in Terrorized Cathedral. I almost didn’t believe it maeditty4781: Rolled up a new sorc last friday and am gonna try to beat your time :) So far i have 2 lum and 1 ber (off hell andy of all things) jzcrazy128: Baby Lilith is adorable! shwat266: !zodiac darklight1372: Why is Lama talking like that is he acting like Pete Davidson? williamnelson1065: Someone spent some serious cash to delete all those runes? Jesus....
Diablo 2 Tal Rasha Sorceress Ubers, NG Jul 25 2024george_denbrough: "Those responsible have been sacked" I haven't seen that phrase in a while. I need to watch Holy Grail again MexicanKneecap: Was sitting here saying "I'd really like some new Nuclear Rabbit" goatunnheim: Smalp did the fight online which has a 8-frame pmh time. If you do it offline, you need open wounds! vladimirtchuiev2218: Thumbs up for the Mass Effect 2 music, I absolutely love the trillogy. TheGeniesis: I hope at the end you will do a video to summarize all sets (how there were feeling and how close they are to meta versions of the same builds) :) GL! roar-9701: that NFS2 main music gave me the chills toominater14: I’d love to see some full set runs! Even doing one character with a different set for Normal/NM/Hell to show off different sets at different poin...
MrLlamaSC: LOL get out of here yeahsper_: No Llama's was hurt during the filming of this video. Irillie: Kano! I was joking when I said "Do 1 to Zod"! But since you actually somehow magically can pull off literally any achievement, let's do this: Kano, you are good, true. But even you can never do 1 to "Discovering a provable and testable theory uniting quantum physics and general relativity". Also, you absolutely can't 1 to "commerically viable blueprint of cold fusion generator". And lastly, you, Kano, can't do 1 to "Functional FTL method of travel with prototype available for use". There is like 1e-170 chance you are actually some kind of deity wasting reality bending powers on D2R WRs, but I had to try. stevesutton772: Diablo 4 literally could never replicate the multi decade l...
Rare Items Only Barbarian D2R Classic Jul 23 2024EdoMajka-ht1de: Only crafted items challenge? barryschalkwijk9388: HOLY CRAP that doll section Wat in gods good name was that? alexanderternerot9998: Damn, rare items are so much better in classic where they dont roll shit mods all the time. jamesharrison5420: Those boot gamblws were insane TitusRoman1989: I love these videos! Refreshing the game we all love. Thanks for entertaining us. rjalandi: melee sorc next challenge? jesseramirez1729: Oh man I miss classic sooooooo much!!! Making a classic char today for sure!! sandyrayport242: That 9 min damage 28 LR ring was not bad! Erebus1301: My very first playthrough of diablo2 was a rare only paladin lol,nice video!
WE FIND A HR TODAY Diablo 2 !Zod Challenge !Star Jul 23 2024davidwhite533: Fluids. Zinc loading. Chicken soup. And REST. Try not to think about Kano randomly stumbling on a Zod while doing a torch speed run. utrevpetchasa: Hello, Mr. Llama. Yesterday (21 June 2024, between 12 and 18 hrs CET) i was playing d2r online (player 1 on a bnet game) and i found a huge amount of runes and items in the very same game (hell, Ber : act 1 - tower lvl 2 from a "spirit", Jah : act - 2 arcane [i am not really sure from what kind of monster, because i killed a mixed group of creeps at once] - both zones were not terrorized, and some other runes lower than an Ist rune). I dont know the "seed" of the map, but as i know there is a pattern for each game, so i started with "Black Marsh" (the tower was closer to the wp i killed only two groups of creeps, before jumpi...
mikewalley5195: I feel like we got trolled, "17 hours of slaying with Fury druid" and he kills everything with Soso turbo_brian: I didn't realize occy and trangs gloves and spirit shield and shako are gg for fury druid... strange. JamesJohnson-kl1eu: did you load the wrong video? lol JJ-ec4cq: New subscriber here!! Excellent content bivdog: 20% of the time, Phil is right every time (about unid SOJ) stillupmusic: sick shirt bro KrisMIW91: 17 OURS! smalps-gaming: Never calls SOJ! eZwoodb1ne: nice title bait, 30 sec of fury druid content?
gita-b4c: Very interesting and informative video! Thank you for your hard work! black_amadeus: Title should be re-edit your character by hero editor... Maybe there comes an official tool from blizz one day to really export and import the char. SavantAudiosurf: Jalal's hero editor 2024 goodkatt: from milking the game to actually fake milking the game :3 mhebert350: yup, this tool is sooooo great, ive been using it since its release(which was greatly improved since then lol) mainly to test some of the new build we ve got and twinked some new ones of my own before investing time for online plays ricardohernandezvega8588: Thank you!!! chrissanta3755: Sweet video thank you for this. Dawnarow: Aaahh.. rip yea that's the technique I used. I appreciate you pointing out as disclaimer/warn...
Diablo 4 vs. Diablo 2 Kurast Docks Comparison Jul 23 2024ZeroThreeJuice: To me it's ludicrous how good the D2 designs actually were. I really like the D4 one as well, but the D2 designs have such a simple and natural aesthetic with great attention for detail and lighting. They really nailed all the area designs in that game. While D4 also has good environment design, the choice of color and general lack of contrast makes all the areas much less distinguishable and unique. razorzagaming: Its shocking that d2r looks crisper, sharper and the style looks warmer on the eye WhiskeyTangoFoxtrotOffRoad: Wish I could still zoom out that far. D4 is so claustrophobic. jersh9024: D2R looks better than I remember andreipiv: d2 looks better design wise - D4 is just washed out colors and the character floats too much -- They should also really add turn ...
Necro Mages DESTROY NOW Diablo 2 Resurrected Jul 19 2024veight201: can you please cut the video. It takes 8 minutes for only 3 points: warriors bad damage, fire golem bad damage, mage damage not shown JenniferX-: Maybe they could change the skills that the mages cast. 1up them all to, Ice blast, lightning, poison cloud, fireball. To get some aoe going. tony9526: Bro we need a max army video. Skeles, revives, and mages thalion3410: this is the first video youve made in a long time that is... some very valid VERY valid points being brought up. they need to fix the shit and make it better. what the FUCK are they doing. jefflynchii3307: What's with the click bait titles? forgetful47: people have been complaining about skellies for many years including me. It never made any sense to me why they never really got any love. Summon necros are f...