Diablo 2 Guide
bradpitel1517: I love the fact that you keep the bloopers in there and even make fun of yourself for it. Reminds me that some of my favorite online people are real people too! d8l835: I have been playing SP pretty much exclusively the last year and a half or so. I have an extended stash mod for single player and have 3 or 4 extended stash tabs full of failed fcr amulet crafts so far. How many you estimate you have rolled over the years? chrispratt3666: That extra 10% fcr roll is so rare codyb20: The Palit Won was my favourite jeffsaffron5647: Tornadin when? smalps-gaming: My only 2/20 was for Druid. Decent for fire or Windy... but We rocking FURY a the moment don't do even need it. eatcarpet: I got so close to being Godly...: 1 to Sorceress Skills 9% Faster Cast Rate 12 to Man...
Diablo 2 ZOD SPEEDRUN CHALLENGE !Star Jul 18 2024steffencolberg400: Jeez, that donation crazy! fatfighterxDDD: does some1 have some timemarks of interesting events? And when he shows his inventory/skills? Dont have enough time to watch the whole thing:D mikeyflaherty4616: Really solid stream ! Moved into Mosaic build and first torch !?! Epic jprec5174: I was getting hyped to play d2r again, but seeing mosaic just reminds me that they broke the game Rosalee-w8k: Sono continuamente stupito dalla profondità dell'empatia e della comprensione mostrata dai membri di questa comunità. È commovente. optimizor: Can we get a pre enigma ladder mode. I don’t like the OP runewords they really make the game less interesting.
fistingendakenny8781: Will she sell an soj ? RothmerGaming: Awesome breakdown of vendors, as a relatively new players to D2R, this information is invaluable! Thanks. joshuaf.pascual8437: I also check larzuk while waiting for the tele in baal runs, but I only remember getting a 4os 96 life armor, I also notice that my lvl 70s seem to get a lot of jewelers moded armors but no other adds... mrsquiggles1379: This is amazing thank you dude. Started playing again a few months ago after not playing for well over a decade its nice to learn some advanced gear tips RyanJ_24: Thanks for this! I knew a good bit of this but didn’t know that I could get 3/20 jav or martial gloves from Charsi and Gheed. Also the cow portal was a brilliant idea to reset their wares. Thank you! I’ll be saving thi...
Diablo 2 Level 1 To ZOD SPEEDRUN !llamarpg Jul 16 2024maeditty4781: dropped a nokozan at normal mephisto i think it wasa the first time ive ever been happy to see it made act 4 ezpz makitaki1: go go go :) i play D2 for 35 000 h and without a f Zod Rune :P gl ianfirouzabadian9273: Will he enigma for efficiency or save it for cube? ianfirouzabadian9273: Did he go sin so he can go mosaic and farm ecerywhere?
TheTwigglet: nice video! is this a different version youre playing or just using mods on the real d2r? is this stuff bannable? xsupafly33x: Lots of loot! Glad you still play D2R. I played this season and had a lot of early luck. Deaths Fathom, Lo, and Ohm on day 3! shinuizabusa2180: Good old times PanSatyros2: Shoulda stayed in drifter cavern. You would have that infinity already Heigberg: Wow, congratz! Ggs fatty180: Good to see u back with the run series tony9526: You let your merc do the killing or am i missing anything? Whats the build? Cool video kraggiscourts9816: Dayyyyyum! Crazy drops dude! 5ubmission: Y’all hit that like button for my man.
Diablo 2 Level 1 To ZOD SPEEDRUN !llamarpg Jul 14 2024xledgeandairyx: Mr. Llama - "Gimme a second I'll come out of the closet, but it'll be in a blaaaze of 'MOOO!!' " 7gamex: Why's Llama out here looking like Pete Davidson? xD twoshake2211: "Your content is very informative and im looking forward to more insight until infinity. mikeyflaherty4616: !gear thebob8777: Diablo gay German rave never looked so good. samhermano7558: This is a really cool idea! Now there's a lot more options of how to complete the Diablo 2 speedrun. Oh_deer777: i really hope this becomes llama's new look. like every time i see him now i expect to see the same thing.
INSANE GEAR! HARDCORE 1 TO UBERS AMAZON SPEEDRUN 70600 IGT 73203 RTA DIABLO 2 RESURRECTED Jul 14 2024f3rns: Silence my 7 hour novela is on. Thank you Kano. FoolingAroundMyPlace: I wish the "great marsh always upperleft side of the map" guy could have seen this run live. alone369: wow Kano you are growing really fast, keep it up you are great man! yeahsper_: Alright, i've been kidding about the daily WR videos, can we dial it back a bit now? n07ju57hum4n: If anyone can get a sub 7 in this category its Kano LuckyLuciano6: Seems lucky jymnasium: gg, sick run.. nearly the dream gear for ubers.. maybe gtoe or gore riders (cuz you only needed 10% more cb and the fwr is important) but so unnecessary mekalbd2: Here because I am Kanos friend generalhotdog33: 83rd
Diablo 2 Level 1 To ZOD SPEEDRUN !llamarpg Jul 13 2024blank5210: Your comment section is all bots now JenniferX-: I'd like to see this done on ladder. Where maps are random. THome92: Those streams are becoming unwatchable. Those degenerated Twitch viewers are just ruining the whole experience. The reason why I watch Llama for all those years is because they are cozy and nice to watch on the side, while doing other things, but those freaking spam donations that last forever are ruining everything. In this stream prior to that, someone made spam donations for like almost an hour straight. After the first few minutes his viewer count kept dropping, eventually ending up with 170 viewers lost. I advice you Llama, even though it's your stream, but a simple donation like this, a minority, should not be able to control other people's mood. You...
hiroshima19: I won't forgive that 1 mf missed... how could you forget, Phil? VeronikaGama: You mean how much is TOO much? Zephairein: omg how could you miss a Ist in Skulders .. was someone fishing for comments lol jacobjohnston3983: Smh that 1% mf you missed would have gotten you Tyreals… Static_Yeti: I actually had no idea that magic find stacks when ur merc kills the enemy. thats kinda cool to be honest. GStaxxx86: This video is very informative and values your time. Much recommend. potatolauncher4892: Eth Lacerators. Excellent. I just made my first throw barb ever this ladder season. Quickly becoming my favorite barbarian build. He has around 350% magic find with just over 500% when I swap to the two ist ali baba to hork. I usually run between 400% to 450% on my magic fi...
potatolauncher4892: Made a Hammerdin for Ladder Season 7. Been using him as a Smiter too. After I maxed out Hammers, its synergies and Concentration, I put one point in Smite, Fanaticism and Salvation. The rest of my points are in Holy Shield. Even with so little invested in a Smiter build, he's able to take down ubers and dclones. With just budget Smite gear he was able to do these just fine. Otherwise, my Hammerdin has around 425% magic find and is pretty effective. propaycheque: Diablo has got you like a slot machine captured octogenarian Timmycoo: I always love Phil's reaction to finding a Lem lol. I am the same even though it's not a HR but to me, it's always useful. Also when you found that spider from Andy, talking about finding items from monsters that usually never drop...
thebbcjoke: Hey, that dual leech RARE ring has 15% to all resists... Pretty sure that was crafted in a non-orthodox way. =) alexche141: Edeath decapitator with fort, faith merc is 179k dps. Highest physical melee damage build in the game. itskareemelsayed: It was my favorite build in LOD back in the day. 12 year old me thought being a werewolf was the coolest thing by ever. I remember the excitement of finding a Barnar’s star then Hellslayer to deal with physical immunes! briancurrie2897: Loved the opening to this video. No talk right into gameplay/ music. Started the video off with some killer vibes johnjackson2349: Great video Phil, this is my favourite build in D2 very fun to play! Couple tips, you can take the piss out of a couple mechanics, skills shape-shifting and summonin...
Diablo 2 Throw Barbarian HC, SSF Jul 12 2024zarfen: Great stuff including some great loot! Cool idea to blood craft throwing axes, that never crossed my mind before! Pejay691: Finding a maras and a sur randomly but grinding 9 hours for um is crazy :D myopiniondoesntmatter7068: You actually never miss with game OST's. OSRS, Lufia, Secret of Mana. Erebus1301: Nice video,as always! (Also second lol) goatunnheim: First! DungNguyen-vo5pg: very best content ever . Deatpunch: The fact that throw barn is now viable, what we are missing is sockets in throwable kristopherleslie8343: Hardest class? LoL it’s the best noripasta: tmnt turtles in time music helllllll yeah I know those orchestra hits when I hear them ChrisStapper: Love that you used the Lufia soundtrack! Karlsruhaider: I love the backround music... lufia theme gave m...
INCREDIBLE 3 HOUR HELL HARDCORE ASSASSIN SPEEDRUN 30053 IGT 30728 RTA DIABLO 2 RESURRECTED Jul 12 2024nikitathc7540: Such fast, much speed, wow ! Gj Kano yeahsper_: Got a bit worried something had happened because you didnt upload for a day or two, but glad to see you are back with the daily WRs o7 codydraper4453: Your kidding me? This is so fast dude kudos Ma10as_Phar: Beating Sc and Hc raidthefridge1966: i can barely beat normal in 2 hour this dude beat all 3 act in 3 hour... wtfffffffffffffffffff masterroachi5839: Speed! SebastianBohn: Dang, you were so fast I missed the live stream. Nice speed. How much sub three would you think is possible? Snugs_TTV: wait is this WR? ianmccarthy2897: wd very good run soon get that sub 3
mitchcolangelo550: Found my first ever cham rune in 20 years of playing last night bornfrochgel3148: crazy how the RNG works. I did a little over 2000 runs and got a ber and 4 sur(fox) runes to make my enigma and you did 10000 and not a single ber dropped, dang. WesterDk1: you are crazy. Good video bro and gl on cows until last wish rykox8877: cracked mapseed 2 spots for sur runes so close to each other in such a small time window. just cracked NordmanTTV: what a legend! we gotta give him that hawk tuah!
Diablo 2 Level 1 To ZOD SPEEDRUN !llamarpg Jul 11 2024demris15: Hope you start looking for mosaic bases too!! This stream seems like hell, especially when chat can delete runes Mia-n6u: Freedom and justice for Palestine. gaborbea8384: Hi! Where can I find the first episode? This is from lvl34 scrap.catastrophe: "One does not simply get zod rune to drop" JB-th4bx: I've dropped 4 Zods, but only 1 Ber. Mia-h5m: Thank you for your hard work and for all the students in all the universities around the country. Free free ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? AndreDW1983: Saw the 5 hour length, and thought, for the longest time, you somehow finished in 5 hours. vcraine: Probably one of the most variance type speedruns ever lol. Could complete this in a few days or a few months and anything in between or beyond. andyrousseau6542: I have been playing d2 s...
pattylonglegs3353: It’s too bad Diablo franchise is headed in the wrong direction. Otherwise this channel would be thriving. You deserve way more recognition imo. Qkumb3r: I sat down for the whole 28 minutes and I enjoyed every second of it! Thank you ! Berzhulas: Simply the highest quality D2 content. Grats m8! WingZeroType: our hearts dropped with you when that pally said "sorry" lol. great drama moment for the Jah. congrats! erenbilgili6493: Another GG journey from the best d2r player . jgbrandi: the path of the hero, from going out in his underwear with a stick in his hand, to becoming someone as powerful as master miyagi D4AM: Still the best Diablo channel on YouTube. Love these vids man!! erick3755: I didnt know the circlet larzuk market until the xmas gambling special. Sp...
JetJenkins: GG to the thumbnail artist. That's godlike. ASlimeDrawsNear: I love the DOOM style transitions DjTrustNo.1: Felt like you surpased yourself with the edits. Instant work of art, love it! And thanks for doing this challenge run, i would never dare myself but you withstood the insanity well! ianarmstrong-oc5kn: never clicked on a notification as fast aroniea2401: Holy shit the entering act 4 gag made me spit out my drink GnarGnaw: Another amazing production by Seer to vacuum to the sound of! green669: I’m glad “ORT ORT ORT” is just a thing now TheHerpthatderp: Yes, you ARE a massive chad and we love every inch of you. michaelpauley6249: Larry may be a peasant, but at least he's king of the peasants. lukusridley: luxurious larry clm89: Your writing/improv bullshit...
sahred111: The „Firewall“ got me good BFDK: $1 but 30 minutes. 30 minutes is too high a price for his :P TwoGish: TWO shannenmr: This is the Top Down RPG Asset from Unreal Engine Marketplace... Xtimus: Still better than Diablo 3 kristopherleslie8343: It’s doing better than blizzard already iblis89: looks like age of empires meet diablo 2. mattm8870: I wonder if the game want exactly 3 health and mana pots to transmute Goldberg070: Die Musik ist echt noch das Beste an dem Spiel. Diablo 2 auf Wish passt echt perfekt. :D stephenhermann3704: I know a lot of clones are coming out of China, etc, but Goddamn! Chromodar: Is the German version of Diablo called Die Ablo? Or no?
n07ju57hum4n: Next WR 1 to ubers HC necro, I believe stu3131: Llama in shambles f3rns: I just recently watched some of your videos and I'm intrigued by all the things you need to know for Uber runs and hell runs. I'm an older veteran player but never got to such level of skill. I ended the story tried to get some runes and thats it. I'll watch the master in action. yeahsper_: Just another daily WR upload Alcyone65: Unholy speeed! cartof123: Back when I used to play the game, I would 100% complete each map/level. I felt like I had to do it because I would miss out on things... I was like 10 back then though, talking like 17 years ago . I will always have a soft spot for this game, love watching you and realizing just how bad I was :))) . busymikey: Amazing nikitathc7540: Speed !
madmax_diablo: LLama to legenda Diablaka Kajetlive: Legenda! Wychowałem się na jego graniu w hack'n'slashe. Ten po prawej też spoko TheSlimEdd: 30k h przechodzil d2? o boze, ale noob. Nie mowcie mu, ze jest jeszcze dodatek Bacjuszx: God damn, to sie porobiło, zazdroszczę wywiadu! beska123123: Niesamowita jest wasza współpraca na kanale gdzie Piotr nagrywa w LA, a Albert nagrywa i streamuje w Polsce. Jednak mam nadzieję, że Piotrek wrócisz do nas do Polski bo już prawie miesiąc w tym LA siedzisz. SpecShadow: Wywiad z więcej niż jednym zwierzęciem? najs kodzak89kodzak: Ooo właśnie widziałem u kogoś, że grał z Llamą w ten nowy build PoE2, ale nie widziałem żeby Lama coś o tym mówił. Fajny wywiadzik Daria_77: Bardzo mily i przyjemny wywiadzik, bardzo fajnie...
tinycat8338: I literally googled if blood crafting was worth it, like 45min ago. johnt836: Caster gloves are better than Blood gloves for Javazon. Caster gloves can roll up to 3 mana after each kill, which is huge in common Javazon meta areas (ahem… cows). Mana after each kill and mana leech is pretty vital for Javazon unless you’ve got an Insight merc or Phoenix shield. Personally, I’ve found that mana after each kill tends to work better than mana leech, it’s a function of your gear, zone, player count, etc. ANYWAY, I guess caster gloves don’t get crafted much because they need the same amethysts you need for caster amulets, and there is probably more currency to be made online crafting blood gloves. 2 20 martial arts blood gloves are better than 2 20 MA caster gloves...
Diablo 2 Is An Unbeatable Masterpiece Jul 03 2024Darkholow: It will never happen again, because D2 was made by a different studio (Blizzard North) and back then games weren't made with "how are we going to keep our players playing our game for years and years on end with Seasonal content". This wasn't a thing..it was just to make a game fun to play..that's it. TinyGremolin: Also, these games came out when the internet was still in it's infancy, and content creators/youtube/guides didn't really exist. What this means, is EVERYONE had to play and learn the games themselves. Sadly, people rarely do that anymore. Cream_89: Diablo 2's itemization is genius tho. Sure there is plenty of 'useless items, but the way how yellow items can be insanely good, same with crafted items. Blue items can even be bis, like the 40% MF ring. Charms/Jewel...
Diablo 2 Poison Necro HC, SSF Jul 03 2024harmen4750: I'm a simple man. I see a new video from TheNuclearRabbit, I watch it! JapeCity: I get so stupidly excited for these videos shaneanigans440: You are a true masochist. I've leveled a poison nova necro from 30 and it's pain. zarfen: This was super entertaining! Poison nova is one of the coolest skills imo, but there sure are a lot of poison resistant enemies in hell zlatanmorrison8182: "An IV of potions" :)) Machtgecko: The good old Ral-Tir-Tal-Sol Spirit Partizan, never change nuke NeflewitzInc: I've been thinking about doing a poison Dagger necro and this helped me decide that if I do it I must have Treachery. Sara.Space.H: I wish poison dagger automatically hit like smite and did all of it's poison damage instantly. But dreams aside ty for your vids, you deserve mo...
stofsk: I've never heard of the Souls Magic Find Ritual. That's incredible. This game keeps on surprising me. FasterThanJesus: Half way through the vid, but would you be better getting the ritual and then doing andariel, chaos sanctuary, baal, pindlestick or whatever makes for the best farming targets for your build rather than just the chaos sanctuary? Thinking it may be a bit more efficient. I know it makes it a bit more of an arse for comparitive purposes. wizrom3046: Meh, it's a myth. Those results looked right on par for your 200% MF Anyway, thanks for testing it! Silith13: Interesting thought. 0 MF. Doing soul ritual. Go through entire game and clear all the boss mobs and champions. mrsquiggles1379: I think because of the drop off it wouldnt affect your runs as much. Prob bett...
arthurmelo3472: I'm unsubscribing to this channel. He seemed nice and genuine at the beginning, but the power went to his head. He started scamming us by showing videos exactly like this. I did the same runs with the same gear and was only getting Tal Rune, Ith Rune, and etc. jebadaiah1228: grats on 99 man bacchus8081: Those drops were Surreal. Gz on 99! bivdog: Beat the spam! d8l835: I dropped a griffons this morning terrorized mephisto! Second one on the singleplayer grail TheRc0211: The diadem is so sweet. I will never forget my first and only drop of Griffons smalps-gaming: Congratulations on the 99! HokeyPokey243: I got my first 99 with a mosaic sin in SP, it was comically easy. Proceeded to grind hammerdin, nova sorc, javazon, and ww barb also to 99. Poison necro and fire dr...
Peter-wb7he: First! Sadly melee will never be "good" in D2R unless they add melee splash like PD2 did. Which they really should do tbh, would open up so many more viable builds. wizrom3046: Death runeword never gets enough love. In the old days my favorite dueller build was a charger paladin with a big 2hand ethereal Death axe. He used to put EVERYBODY down, or maybe he would just die, it was a bit like rolling a dice lol, but he could kill godly sorcs and hammerdins that nobody else could kill tommyg4840: I’m just here for the intro zacharyr6886: Ive taken my dual greif pb ww barb on a spiritual journey but mostly p1 paly. Binding ww to a keyboard key and only having your mouse a short distance away from your character allows you to make very small movments and single target mobs ...
JamesCarian: I believe you would want to make sure your merc is not damaging anything with poison damage (like the poison nova) because that would be overriding the damage you're doing from your bow/poison charms. Saw a video from GGM on this recently where he did the whole poison test/compared it with venom. USEDDLDOSALESMAN: I remember this build back in like 2003. I think they were 290s? My friends dad used that build lol hyunwhanjoe3477: I think there is a trick where if you weap switch to an item with /- poison like death's web, the poison damage applies by the switched weapon adamboyd5190: Plague=swords, katars, daggers joshuaf.pascual8437: I found one of those in terrorized flayer jungle, sold it for 40 jah.. phtoriumtears3020: You counted 34 then 31. There is 37 of them. ...
D2R Uniques Only Finally some good drops part 2 Jun 27 2024fistingendakenny8781: Still love your runs dude, remember me when you have 1 million subs, you deserve this barryschalkwijk9388: Great stream man, keep it up we'll be here
seang9450: I love d2 videos about rares. Rares are the only reason I continue to play the game tbh. If you get the right one there are people willing to pay off your mortgage for it michelhartgerink: found claws this season: 2 skill 3 wake inferno 2 light sentry 40IAS 2 sockets :) looter-game: I love rare items. It's old school. PAwader: Phil common.. you cannot get strength on rare boots, you know this. They stopped putting strength on rare boots in patch .09 KSechrist: Hey, Phil, have you ever seen a rare javalins with 1 warcries? I found it a couple days ago and hadn't ever seen that before. Itz_KLONOPIN: I use a sexy pair of Rare Mat Javs on my java that is 2ama skills 2 jav skills 40ias 9life leech and 9mana leech with Eth/self rep AND increased stack size pb34r46: H...
jlaf8: Poor Llama SebastianBohn: It’s so fun to watch you and Llama battle for these records. May the speeeeeed be with you all the time. Tunoi_Veil: i know this is probably a major inconvenience but is there a tutorial on how to do this? why that club over that axe and so forth. i think even the average joe could complete the acts way faster if there would be some sort of guide. Tyrael66: You beat llama with 14 mins Lion8585: Congratz on the WR run! Alcyone65: Congrats! ElPepe-dc4sq: Made my day. thank you and greetings from germany alexspencer2866: Holy speeeeeeed! Smashed it dude! nikitathc7540: GG WP Champ ! Speed !