Diablo 2 Guide
The Diablo 2 HELL Experience Sep 01 2024HereticAnthem55: Farm Nightmare Mephisto for a better weapon. Titan's Revenge Ceremonial Spear. Automatic repair. KvL92: Decoy put in some serious work goddamn Ken117yt: The respec to lightning was definitely the way to go. Yvernaa: Great Diablo 2 stream yet again! olehsolomka8268: Act 2 maggot cave would end this run jareddoesstuff358: He REALLY needs to use a different Merc lol. A Rogue would be so much better for him since they tend to kite and y'know...not die every 10 seconds. His Act 2 isn't even surviving long enough to cast an aura half the time. infiniteagony5495: Typical Millennial doesn't even read what's written on a skill rafaelmelo2238: Now the real hell begins.. Act II as a lightning java TheTuberToes: Loved the vid! My favorite game, glad to see the emotions ...
nolf3281: Looter, you are such a good dramatic actor sniktkc2592: Legend, love these wacky ideas BrockLeyland: Rust in pepperoni; there never was any room behind the throne, they knew what players could do. nobrakes4896: Hwanins has a 1:607 rate of dropping in that area noneevil: Perfect! Just what I was hoping for robj4078: I’m shocked you don’t farm where you can kill bosses some more. But I’d be absolutely over a set only build long before hell and be ready for death, so maybe I get it. matiaszeytuntsian6087: Man, I love your videos and your reaccionó, lol. Go on with these! Fryzzi: yaaaaaaaay, was hoping for something new from you today. Love my chill Sundays. zlatanmorrison8182: Damn, so unlucky there - such a good run as well...can always try again :)
bradpitel1517: That phase blade was a bomb drop! FellowshipOfTheAviatorZ: I gotta know Masterpibs: I've had the best luck in Diablo ever last two days. In D2 single player found a BER and a LO in same day within 2 hours, then a shako and a 5%BK. Then next day in D4 only 1 hour of Tormented bosses found 5 mythic uniques. potatolauncher4892: Dropped the Lo and Mal plus the perfect enhanced damage superior phase blade to make Grief. Nice! Surprised you didn't show the Chance Guards you dropped from Andariel. nickstevens3151: Awesomeness! ray12a: long time viewer, rare poster. i swear insane drops are boosted at ladder reset/ season start. sweet haul phil. love to see your channel and dedication grow. my best to you and yours. telefrag93551: The only HoZ I’ve ever found was eth i...
Zero to Hero in 24 Hours, S8 Charged Bolt Character and Gear Progress Diablo 2 Resurrected Aug 29 2024SnMcCall: Hopefully you see this but the temples in A3 are 85 areas with no Lightning Immunities. Disused Fane & Ruined Temple in Kurast Bazaar & the Forgotten Reliquary in Upper Kurast. Also Pit of Acheron in Arreat Plateau. I did a SSF Lightning sorc and basically only farmed those zones. Managed to find a lot of goodies. brandens4355: Those spirit rolls ensure a -55 Infinity this season. Hang in there! Klied: I somehow got a SoJ off my first Diablo kill in Normal on my hammerdin. I was shocked :O blacken8873: Found an SOJ 5 hours after launch, doing NM countess ....just felt like sharing (900fg) also tals armor 2 away from perfect (1900fg). Great ladder start Isaacxs-vm3co: Hey did you know that if you got a gem shrine you can upgrade the flawless topazes to perfect topazes , Ll...
Jarv_Seven: Cool and helpful video! I would add one pro tip: if you really have mega budget and don't cap out lightning res AFTER meph's conviction, just use Salvation aura instead of fanatism to fight him. You will be a bit slower, but since he is in fact really squishy, the fight might be like only 5 seconds longer and that can help avoid the oneshots! cheers KlausMingo: You can also craft a blood mesh belt for a source of open wounds (5-10%), it's fairly cheap to do. vaisnavaspicher3470: One strategy i came up with for a weapon is shaeled wizardspike. Great way for a fast weapon and easy way to make up for resists. And never needing to repair as its indestructible is a nice bonus. Pair that w any decent paly shield, and you have maxed resists. The rest of gear can be crushing blow/o...
WoW Player Tries HELL Mode in Diablo 2 Aug 27 2024AimRobot: Diablo 2 difficulty is really Nightmare
DIABLO 2 LEVELING VIEWERS !llamarpg Aug 27 2024Souls4SoulsOnYT: Is this ladder? marklelievre8482: I got in the chaos runs early on think you had the only pub he’ll run at the time lunabird89: Where can I find tele staffs for pally TheGreatForce: Why not just put 1 point in Redemption and hotkey cleanse
Guzu Plays MORE Diablo 2 ACT 5 Aug 26 2024shinomi9171: I love the Diablo videos, got me back to play D2R. Would love to see hell, nightmare and D3 after that :D Good Job Guzu jackmclein7679: diablo1 nightmare & hell when? RpTheHotrod: The only thing they messed up on the final cinematic is they forgot to animate tyreal falling to his knees in despair as the worldstone begins to break apart. He just stands there in the remaster. gamertyper6476: seeing someone experience D2 for the first time is crazy. I hope more streamers do this so blizzard starts paying attention to D2 again. WOuld love to see ongoing updates on D2. urek2872: Go for the campaign of Diablo III and IV lrdhtrd: d2 is incomplete without cowlevel Flakey86: The current speed run record for normal difficulty is 38minutes johanandersson9208: Act 4 was rushed du...
DIABLO 2 LADDER RESET WAITING ROOM !llamarpg Aug 25 2024ineedcoffee2575: Congrats on the 20k Jah, huge day 1 ladder find deep_bog: Congratulations with Cham drop! Amazing way MikeyStreet314: Great run!! The town portal during ancients was a bit devastating but otherwise it was stellar! Hate how tanky Uber Baal can be smh TheSummoner: What happened to the final Getting Zod video? Was it a false positive? broadbandtogod: Nous, I'm working until 8 hours more JohnBrown-vx3rx: lol lamer with no wife. who can stand to play for 7 hours when being at work all day. i barely made it to lvl 40 A5 nm
Unique Items Only Paladin D2R HC 1 to Hell Aug 25 2024Straya1987: I love ur videos mate. Brings more comedy raw emotion to the game, your reactions are brilliant! Jak_To_Mozliwe: Your videos bring something fresh to the D2R arena, thank you for that! Really enjoy watching them :) user-ir8uk8ey2d: That rare amulet normal Diablo dropped was GG. nolf3281: This is the case when you know how your hero will die right before it happens. Nice video, always enjoy your challenge runs. nyfroggie: next video - necromancer magic items only Exception: runes/ gems/ potions and charms apology456: So lame ohh PhixonFire: My favorite channel right now betoski: The ending cracks me up bigdonger999: Love you video bro.. play assasin only runeword or rare only RainCards: I've played D2 for about 20 years. You're hands-down my favourite D2 content cr...
jprec5174: "Nobody's ever done this before, I'm going to start off as a sorceress!" Daring, aren't we? johnathanflannagan2407: Drinking game, take a shot every time sweet Phil says “go ahead and-“ Devilish69420: Imagine having unlimited respec.. if I wanna respec I have to make a new character or farm the 4 items needed. Another reason pc version is superior. Just an L for us console players. No hero editing. So if I wanna test something I gotta make a new character or farm. Really wish I could cheat and use unlimited respec. mistersalesman: You know Sweet Phil is taking off when the cancerous bots with generic comments and female pictures show up! velkatabgX: it's funny how ppl already glaze without even finishing the video nyfroggie: Phil, run this set in classic until act3 h...
The MOST BROKEN Build in Diablo 2 Please Fix Aug 23 2024333HalfEvol333: Mosaic is the demonstration they cannot design something tasteful. It has D3 philosophy in it, an item that dictates the playstyle too heavily, invalidating everything else and overshadowing the skill tree choices. I hate it. Sanadis: You are making a lot of assumptions that the Janitor will know how to actually program and fix the game lbonvillain-wm4ds: would rather mosaic than hammerdin on top JB-th4bx: I would prefer they fix melee over Mosaic. Oh_deer777: isn't the mosaic assassin a product of over-the-top streamer ideas? jseney93: PLEASE Blizzard whatever you do, DON'T change the game to fit what streamers want it to be. johnharkulich5868: I think it's kinda hilarious that llama is complaining about how broken mosaic is when he was championing the move to 50/5...
AimRobot: "I feel like WoW is never gonna end" Only 2 more expansions after The War Within. The expansion pile has become so big, its cheaper to make a new game. When they make a change, they have to go through 20 years of content, to make sure nothing is broken, even though most of that content is just garbage now. So they are putting man power into stuff, most players just jump past. antontrubadur299: props to you for starting to plan for enigma in early nightmare. I hope you get it before andariel user-pg2qp3ej7z: Dont tell him bout crafting stuff.This thing even more addicting then rune words:D morghoulmutilera2996: pick any circlets u can JenniferX-: I enjoy watching new players play diablo1 and diablo2. As I am an experienced player, playing both games since launch. I just find...
brandon_7807: That vegeta speech at The end tho blamemysoul: Finally something to watch before sleep minion342: Couldn't anyone post a link where I can find that mod? AGGPEE: that looked more like 4x the density, well played mate zergolicious666: i enjoy your d2r vids they are always entertaining tlee656: That nostalgic Command & Conquer music during the montage is chef's kiss looter_game: 2x mob pack mod looks hilarious blazedehart2748: Rabbit is the real mvp of my YouTube algorithm. kenet123: Time to CE Necro and Triple Density of Monsters :) mbag012: hahhaha, having done a 10x density HC barb run before, I think it took me a couple months of painstaking grinding. You prolly don't have the luxury of going through a single run for over a hundred hours. Maybe do a necro run on ...
apostolvictor1099: Im working with a blue orb 3 fire skills / 3 hydra / 3 fire mastery that rolled 2 sockets on Lazruk , now we slam two bad boys 5/5 facets into that , it's my weapon of choice for this build ! :) derekgreen7319: The couple hundred fire damage eschuta added is somewhat exponential. A hydra has multiple heads and you have up to 6 hydras. So that extra damage piles up quickly. Cranky_Dude: Oh man! This is the way it should have been all along! I remember when I first managed to do this build in PD2 - I was fascinated and immediately felt that this is what a sorceress who is a master of fire and demands obedience from the forces of nature should look like! continued7764: Nice Build, i wana try it out. Did you consider using a jmod with 4 facets over phoenix or do you tr...
GStaxxx86: Man was so excited to finally find griffons that he spoke in demonic! goatunnheim: Huge dedication! robertdobrin1675: I couldn't remember the name of the channel and I really looked for it. Mythical recommended videos algorithm! OfcourseimrightimBOB: that elevator music at the beginning was fire jordane3751: Eaglehorn MVP karnnakz2: You are a Madman. And those gloves are absolutely fantastic to find on HC single player holy crap ! Congrats on the finds and the griffons ! NurseTony: That reaction when you finally find it LOL!!! YOU DESERVE IT!!!!!! CONGRATS BRO! xingjian79: rarest boots in the game: proceeds to find 3 of them lol really enjoyed your video, great work as always. admire your passion for the game and engaging the live audience as well! sabumafu59: Congratu...
So I Tried Diablo 2 Again After 15 Years... Aug 22 2024Huckle777: Must resist urge to drop everything and put another 1k hours into Diablo 2 lmfao JustLikeYou.: I played Diablo 2 for the first time in 2021 and I was not disappointed lol it has easily turned into a top 5 game of all time for me lanecruiser6535: Will there be more D2 vids??? justshane2805: Eventually he'll try PoE, i'm pretty sure about that Amberlynn-v2o2o: Il y a une seconde, je pensais que je maîtrisais la situation, et maintenant je ris jusqu'à en pleurer. Cette vidéo est un chef-d'œuvre MikkelStybe: Looking forward to seeing you finish the game! dvdgamingthings289: love the Diablo 1 & 2 guzu Yvernaa: It was a beautiful stream larpera960: I quit WoW a while ago and am fully in ARPG's now, but I still watch your channel even if its almost mainly WoW content, s...
bitexplorer3341: One step closer to getting Phil to build a Mosaic sin duscl0ps858: Appreciate your job man, I’m a newbie to d2, just started a couple days ago with this build, already hit lvl 55, everything going good thanks to your help smalps-gaming: Big fan of the Trap Assassin. Miss it. It was one of my favorite play-throughs as well. I'm team SW Infinity, as I like how much QOL it has! GG! Last_Bulbasaur: I'm a simple man. I see a new SP video. I click. HokeyPokey243: I played my offline trap sin with self wield infinity in a bandistock for the faster attack speed. Put plague grief on an actV merc and she rips. Would recommend JustADudeGamer: I haven't played a lot of this build but I have some observations: 1. Crescent moon in a phase blade seems to be a good option becau...
katmatian: Lamentablemnte Diablo IV no superó mis expectativas, lo jugué y la verdad me aburre muchisimo. Dialo 2 lo sigo jugando regularmente y espero que agreguen cosas en un futuro, veremos que pasa. Abrazo Kabri! Dunedain2272: Me pensaba que eras ya uno de esos tios de la mitologia... Me alegro de volver a verte por aqui, hombre manu.lavisse: Hace 2 semanas empece a jugar d2 resurrected y hice a la par que veia tu canal, pense que era un canal apagado pero de todas formas le sacaria jugo. Vaya sorpresa me lleve al ver la publicacion de este video. Tienes mucho de ese carisma de youtuber que los hace exitosos, eso queria decirte Beware...OblivionIsAtHand: Se te echaba de menos, Kabri! Sabemos que estás muy ocupado, pero que genial sería verte otra vez de vuelta y que hicieras d...
Diablo 2 Streaming until...I cry !llamarpg !zod Aug 20 2024krq1234: Ko cham (kocham) it means „love” in polish language :) Coincidence? I don't think so ;) dontmindmeonlysauronchecki5346: Also I just now realized a Zod rune has a level requirement of 69. Nice. kstarler: That was a great practice run, Llama! Now, let's go for sub-80 hours! pmvelochesb4052: Congratulations bro..., Wonderful feeling darklight1372: When will we see the reaction of finding the Blue Ancient Armor again? Lama got old and now only gets naked, and before...there was a show. certifiedplay: Yooooo Grats!!! Gotta love it Luca_Brasi_881: Congrats ! Fixaren11: GG Llama!!! matthewsmith9705: Just think about all of those great rune words you sacrificed to make an inferior Grief. rgracon: Would the rules have allowed somebody to delete it, or “game over” once ...
Fabander: Hey Iceman! 20k damage is not bugged. On you, your Fire Mastery works two times. Its applied to your enchant, and then, when you enchant youself, Fire Mastery multiplies your fire damage again. But to your merc, its applied just once. jakekinzly5162: Plague for Lower Resist. It will enhance his elemental damage and your damage. seansixsixsix: I believe player sunder charm will have no effect on merc Bigworm91: It’s because of fire mastery. That’s why a sorc rocking the demon machine slaps so hard. MrVonThoma1: You could try putting a hustle helm on the merc. The fanatism with frenzy turns him into a tweaker as far as attack speed goes. felixemmer8376: i like to do this with act 1 merc and kuko shakaku -> blasts way more with the explosive arrows UltimateEnd0: Nothing ...
garrettsondgerath9877: Dbrunski on the holy grail committee so sad he disappeared briane6573: Great channel Phil, love your content. Just recently got back into D2, playing D2R a few months. Doing terrorized Pindle runs (lvl 92) over the weekend trying to get a Griffons when he drops my first ever Unique Sacred Armor. Wasn't expecting much, but it was a Tyrael's Might. My jaw dropped. Pretty ass roll on the demon damage and strength, but perfect on resist and near perfect on ED. Not a streamer or anything, so no one to share in the excitement. Keep up the awesome work!! scribbleingz: Thanks for the darkening on the white screen. Helped a ton honestly.. FailBanana98: About the TC3 uniques and sets: if you are like me and can't wait for them to drop in high level areas, I recomme...
Im A Melee Druid, But Human D2R HC 1 to Hell Aug 18 2024MrSilverhand91: "waaah", "whoa", "a-haaa" "ooooo" - main reason i'm watching this :D PhixonFire: That Nightmare Duriel Drop Fryzzi: ain't no way, you just found a SoJ on NM Duriel. Lmoa. Huge! Collioure232: I love your videos. Something very entertaining and addictive about them! A bit like D2 itself I suppose! tomastesar5569: Congratulations! So brave to not to use the shield! The only advantage of this silly build is using teleport without changing form :D Snafuchicken: SoJ! From NM duriel at that. Nice find! matiaspredan3114: Great video. Your my favorite d2 videos to watch. mrviral8436: I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS AND YOUR SOUND: YOUR "uuuhhAAAHH" is sooo legendary and nice. keep doing. more videos and ideas., youre great!!!! THANKS! kacperkruk6348: Love this series _bravo_8581: Can...
Diablo 2 BIG HIGH RUNE DAY?? !llamarpg !zod Aug 17 2024Majky666: Thank's again for an awesome series. Q: I have shacos and maras now on my offline Mosiac. What should I gamble for? Better amulet or helm or should I try to get a SoJ for anni? Or is the chance for that so little that is not worth it? JeannetteMcspadden-n8n: Your videos are always so informative and interesting! Thank you for that! Daniela-u7c7c: Really enjoyed it! Looking forward to more videos! kstarler: More Moogirlphone please! jamessampson9410: Llama bennykakerautodidact: Slightly below average. I can relate. justinfoster7699: hundreds of thousands do rhythmic gymnastics btw eivinassmolskis2507: First 4 comens is just bots. Are you paying for nice words? I see frodyyyy justinfoster7699: former semi pro goalie.. the way to close the 5-hole is to drop.. just sayin...
Diablo 2 SEASON 8 ANNOUNCED Bug Fixes Aug 14 2024UnrivaledPiercer: Another sad ladder. Single player it is still, nothing new online, no major changes, no fun season themes, zilch. It's a real shame Blizzard is treating this game as if it's dead. It's not dead, but they are sure trying to kill it. coreybrooks2105: did not know pete davidson played diablo 2 utmastuh: Would've loved to see more changes but the fact they ramped up bug fixes is promising kevinoneil5120: They need to put that Vicarious Visions crew back together and just let them cook. They clearly had love for D2. Roge9: honestly, just allow mod support. Straight up. Blizzard won't have to do a thing. MidsummerNightScream: season 9: opening diablo 2 will automatically launch path of exile JamCamAbreu: I wish game journalists would ask the obvious questions to represe...
Vmacks702: I've never seen someone get so happy to find a lem rune christophermaddox9321: Phil I love you bro but when you threw away the perfect fire damage enchant Ormus I died on the inside chrispratt3666: Perf Mara's is a great find. I've never found one of those. christopherturner5409: Didnt u make a video or two on the demon machine weilding enchantress bow-sorc build?...., so then why did you threw away the perfect fire dmg enchant ormus robes!?!?!? Itsa lil baffling kudohlol9379: You found a 15% Fire Enchant ormus throw it on the ground but you keep the Occulus!?!??!? Dude that item is niche and wanted lol, people make enchant sorcs ! GxNi4234: 11 dr natures peace is insane for those looking for dr on a ring. donutkillmehh: those tri-res boots were pretty nice. love that...
dangitbobby: You have redemption on phoenix so you really don’t need insight merc. Switch to infinity and this is probably absurd. danmoore2552: Flickering flame is better than a 3 facet helm. The 3 to fire skills ups your fire mastery by 15% and then the 3 to hydra puts it over the top jakekinzly5162: Should also try using an ACT 5 Frenzy barb merc with Plague. You get the -res he is more of a tank and can take some hits well. You can also give him enchant and with the attack speed he will be crushing things. Toss on an Arreats Face, Fortitude and Azurewrath to complete his gear and he will be an absolute beast running like crazy and giving and taking hits while proccing Lower Resist. deekaycuvillier6339: Max hydra, then fireball, then meteor. Use all three skills. Very fun...
LuckyLuciano6: These guys are fast goatunnheim: GG! piskalmighty: This is literally the best thing I could have seen on my YT feed on a grey monday morning. NoviceCho: Insane Run! GGs lilapetrol: Congrats Jym and team! Amazing run! alexest2665: damn, GG guys! what a run !!! PORPOLI: Congratulations,Unbelievable。 underscore5673: i can finish finding a great name and decide a class in about 1 hour so u still need to shave off some minutes to be my pb Dj9oh5: Holy Crap GG's guys! Absolute animals!
Diablo 2 Resurrected Aug 12 2024pathofterraria: As the creator of Reimagined it warms my heart to see someone make a video like this. One thing I wanted to point out is the jewel punching system. The reason why you got 2 sockets vs 6 sockets on that wasn't actually due to item level but rather that a RARE plate mail can only get 2 sockets. The sockets is actually a mod and a RARE Plate mail can only roll up to 2 sockets. If the item was normal quality and not rare it would have punched 6 sockets. Thank you for the video
DIABLO 2 HELL RAINBOW DRUID !llamarpg !rainbow Aug 11 2024BelleLevesque: Il mio appuntamento ideale prevede cibo, risate e zero aspettative di lasciare il divano abbie-g6m: Very interesting topic! I look forward to new videos from you! SanjuanitaLeclair-u9j: Very interesting and informative video! Thank you for your attention to detail! automatrixeh: Zod challenge done? CherriMaxwell-e4m: Awesome! Thank you for your hard work and talent! BobbieHayman-g8i: Thank you for such fascinating ideas! Your videos always inspire me!